Hi messymama, we've done an adapted approach to attachment parenting -- primarily cosleeping with my daughter -- since the very beginning, when we first adopted her at 1YO. She often shares the bed with us even at 5, and even when she sleeps on her own, we usually begin the night together in her bed, where I'll read with her, and once she sleeps, I'll remain for a time with her snuggled close, checking email or noodling around on alldeaf
. A benefit of having a deaf child is that we can even pop in a movie and watch while she sleeps draped across my legs without disturbing her.
The only drawback is that I would like a bit more time in the evening to be productive -- you haven't seen messy until you come to my house -- but the trade-off is very much worth it.
We don't force things, but we can be very convincing when we need to be
We haven't caught any slack for this: with adopted kids who were institutionalized, this is often the recommended approach anyway. We needed to make home a very safe place.
And outside the home, at school and elsewhere, she's extremely independent and self confident.