Any advice on why my hearing loss has changed for the first time in one freq only?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
Reaction score
My hearing loss has always been the same since I was born but I have noticed for a while that I was struggling (only slightly) so went for another hearing test.
It showed that my results were exactly the same apart from 500htz which has gone from 115db in left and 105db in right to non responsive at all in both ears.

I have not got a clue to why that would happen. Aud says it is permanent but not sure what to expect.

I only hear about people loosing their high freq but this is classed a low freq so I am wondering why?


L-105---115----105----110-----105-----110---Average 108db
R-100---105-----90-----95------95------90---Average 96db

L-105---NR-----105----110-----105-----110---Average 109db
R-100---NR------90-----95------95------90---Average 98db
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

I lost an extra +15db on my left (mild/mod side) across lower mids in my early twenties.

My right side as a child was apparently +100db in some spots - it's been +120db since I was about 16 - however I have Tactile response starting at about +80db.

The meters go to +120 ... So anything more than +120 is considered NR.
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It could be either calcium deposits are building in your bones of your middle ears, retarding the response of that frequency range (if you eat a lot of dairy/salt on a regular basis), or it could be that the particular hair cells that respond specifically to those frequencies are dying or dead from the body's inability to maintain its health or abuse or exposure to something. Other than that, I don't know, and that sucks. I'm sorry to hear that.
Perhaps an appointment with an ENT doctor to explain to you- your situation after the examination.