another noob here!


New Member
Oct 7, 2009
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Hi all I'm a new HOH person and have just been told I may need a hearing aid in my left ear. i can hear most of what is being said but I have much more difficulty when there is backround noise. i can almost/kind of read lips but its no artform yet.
just wanting a crash course in deaf culture and all the lingo, coz ive been reading a couple of posts and not sure what it all means :aw:
any helpful info would be much appreciated!! :wave:
:wave: binxyjay, am new hoh too.
Have worked w/Deaf kids and staff, am strong proponent ASL and have variety of local d/Deaf friends. Husband oral deaf.
Am glad to be here because there is much question to you is - what does it mean to YOU?
One of best ways I have found to learn more about culture of any kind is to meet the people involved-
Hi there, welcome, I just joined too.

Well there's all kinds of deaf culture that is pertinent to your hearing loss and your belief system.

Make sure you get that hearing aid and learn how to use it properly. Lip reading is very important. Never hesitate to ask anyone you are with to look at you, or remove their hand from their mouth when they are speaking so that you can watch their lips. You keep doing it and you'll get better at following conversations.

I have my own home loop system that is wonderful for watching TV and movies. The sound goes straight into your hearing aids. It doesn't affect the volume for others watching and you can also have the tv on mute and still hear yourself.

A very good website for these hearing aides for all kinds of things like cellphones, fm systems, is

Good luck!