

New Member
Apr 28, 2006
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Well, I want to loose weight REALLY bad I mean like REALLY bad I am about 160 pounds I am 13 and I am about 5'5-5'6
Recently I kinda stopped eating
when I say kinda I mean I stopped eating breakfast lunch and dinner and just had little things of food, like at school we have pizza and salad I gave my pizza away and had just a little salad in the morning I had a bananan in the morning, then after school I had a 100 calorie pack of ritze chips and a bottle of water thats the 3 things Iv had all day and sure I feel hungry, really hungry but I can handel it, is this like a seriouse problem? That I am doing this? :Ohno:
don't be stupid, u kill urself. U can do many different way of health to lose weighs. healthy foods, diets, low carb foods, exerise.. No more junkies
I tried the same thing and acidently slipped into anorexia i didn't think i was till i really stoped and look when you stop eating your body doesn't eat your fat first it eats your muscle also with no food in your stomach the acid can create ulsers severe acid build up which will eat away at your esophigus. I regreted it i've found i lose more weight by eating the right things and exercising not by starving yourself
P.S Go see your school counsler a counsler a teacher anyone you can trust and sit down and assess how bad it's getting if it's bad you may need help i got help and it's the best thing ive ever done. Please don't continue this path it only leads to death and we don't wanna lose anyone of our ad family
Hey, depriving your body of food is a major no, no.

Instead of robbing your body you need to look at how much you are eatting and when you are eatting.

For instance, eatting an hour after you have gotten up from bed is a great time to eat. Your body is rested, and repaired after sleeping all night. Eatting after 5 is something I don't do because I am most inactive usually during those times. I eat dinner at 5 and then the "kitchen is closed" sort of speak. Getting late at nights will pack on the pounds especially close to bedtime since your body hasn't had time to work all that food off. You eat and then sleep.

Starving your body, puts it in protective mode. Even if you do starve it, the weight will come back all at once in certain times because it actually stores fat.

I usually have breakfast, then 3 hours later a (small snack) lunch at and then 3 hours later another small snack, and then dinner. You can have a (small snack around 7 ~ex. 1 cup of ice cream in moderation)

Drinking lots of water is healthy, and keeps your system clean.
I usually drink 8 glasses a day whether it's herbal tea, water, (non-caffine drinks and drinks without sugar).

Whatever you do, don't go without eatting. You need food for energy, and nutrients, and without food your body defenses will go down. Making you get sick a lot easier, and quicker.

There are other opitions. I can give you a few books, that I really researched and liked.
you had to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner (supper). if you dont eat 3 of them of meals it will make dizzy or faint or black out so all you have to eat health food like what SherryCherish said :)
Heart2Sign said:
Hey, depriving your body of food is a major no, no.

Instead of robbing your body you need to look at how much you are eatting and when you are eatting.

For instance, eatting an hour after you have gotten up from bed is a great time to eat. Your body is rested, and repaired after sleeping all night. Eatting after 5 is something I don't do because I am most inactive usually during those times. I eat dinner at 5 and then the "kitchen is closed" sort of speak. Getting late at nights will pack on the pounds especially close to bedtime since your body hasn't had time to work all that food off. You eat and then sleep.

Starving your body, puts it in protective mode. Even if you do starve it, the weight will come back all at once in certain times because it actually stores fat.

I usually have breakfast, then 3 hours later a (small snack) lunch at and then 3 hours later another small snack, and then dinner. You can have a (small snack around 7 ~ex. 1 cup of ice cream in moderation)

Drinking lots of water is healthy, and keeps your system clean.
I usually drink 8 glasses a day whether it's herbal tea, water, (non-caffine drinks and drinks without sugar).

Whatever you do, don't go without eatting. You need food for energy, and nutrients, and without food your body defenses will go down. Making you get sick a lot easier, and quicker.

There are other opitions. I can give you a few books, that I really researched and liked.

yeah I agreed with you :) ..
Eating the fruits it will help u from not feeling hungry if you happened miss the meal per day. It helps me to manage what I am eating. It is natural fat-free. I love pears, green grapes and oranges!
First of all, I am not a nutritionist - but I do personally know many! and have read so much. A real good book you should read about diets is called: Detox or Die, by Sherry A. Rogers, M.D.

Why? Because Diets are a farce, they really are!
The way to get rid of fat properly is to detox, you need to burn the fat, or use something like the 10-day Deep Cleanse Elderberry Concentrate, except you need to know a little more about the basic nutrition of food, and what the body needs for health and vitality!

A. If you have candida or a gluten sensitivity (you may have always had a big stomach, or skin problems and feel bloated after eating pastries, breads, etc..)
You can find tonnes of excellent info at:

or: The Weston A. Price Foundation which has chapters all around the world about why traditional diets are good, and eating processed foods and bad fats lead to chronic diseases, loss of energy, etc.

Obestity by the way is very much related to all the bad fats in our processed foods, plus the bad fats in the stores everywhere, canola for example harms the thyroid which has an impact on the metabolism, hence diabetes, and

The very best fat you can eat is Coconut Oil, and I highly recommend Bali's Sun Virgin Coconut Oil, if you can get it. This oil will help you LOSE WEIGHT!

Also remember that you NEED fats to digest protein, and aging is really a symptom of the inability to process proteins, elastin is a protein which we lose when we get need fats to digest proteins, and fats also build the cell membrane too, you NEED good fats, stop eating so much low fat this and low fat that because if you eating all low fats you are eating more sugar and more carbs, and the body can't even digest fructose.

If you want to eat a healthy sugar, try Stevia but it's extremely sweet.
Stay away from Diet Soda's, because they have aspartame, which is like drinking a little bit of arsenic with each pop!

The site at has many articles about good fats, and proteins and complex carbs which is so healthy for you to eat, and if you eat these foods, you will never be hungry and will naturally lose weight! Of course you must exercise, unless you would rather sit in a infra-red sauna all the time, which is pricy...............but the best exercise I've found is Chinese Kicks, by standing a fair bit behind a couch and just lift one leg and the other 50 times 3 times a day to start.

The other best exercise for the lympathic system (the police officer of the glands and hormones in the body) is a rebounder, those little trampolines!
You don't even have to jump, and if you do the object is to jump low! The Urban Rebounder's are good, they fold up and so do the legs, not too expensive. At Sears, they have ones for $55.00, but they don't fold at all!
But try walking on this thing, and it becomes a stair climber and a threadmill in one and you save 99.9% on your money, plus it's great to do crunches on because it supports your back.

95% of your immune system is in your gut too.

So...........if you eat Kimchi everyday like the Koreans do, or Sauerkraut (sp?) or drink Kombucha those will tremendously help with your ability to digest food.

And if possible, get a multi-vitamin liquid drink too, because when your detoxing and making a healthy life change your cells will be also changing too from not being able to elimate waste to using the nutrients it craves. Besides if you get the Elderberry Concentrate it comes with fibre and a liquid multi-vitamin and herbal teas.

Soy is also not very good for the!

If you think eating raw organic foods is good, good!, but if you stop eating meat and don't get the proteins you need everyday your body will automatically get candida (a yeast overgrowth) based on how you eat now
and your weight..........candida men and women naturally do have but when it overexceeds it's natural growth the hair falls out, you lack energy, you look pale, your tired, it's a hint of future cancer (which is the body's inability to digest everyday toxins from our environment)..........
Again the Book: "Detox or Die", Sherry A. Rogers, M.D. get in your Library!
Any book by her is good!

Brown Rice and Kidney Beans is also another very good meal for protein, if your able to eat it, without feeling bloated or seeing eczema right away!

Regarding Salt, your body CRAVES AND NEEDS SALT! The salt you should not be eating is Table Salt, and you should be eating Celtic Sea Salt, or Sea Salt from Brittany, they really do not taste like salt, and taste so so much better, because it's real salt!

I put Celtic Sea Salt in my water every single day and try to with slices of organic lemons, because it's a great electrolyte balance drink, and you don't know how good water tastes until you've tried this! I put Celtic Sea Salt in everything, my soft boiled eggs every morning and my salads which I like with Olive Oil, Vinegar, Celtic Sea Salt, Lemon rinds and juice (sometimes garlic and honey) try this - it's amazing!, it's sweet, sour, salty and spicy! Sometimes I throw in Cayenne Pepper.

I better continue on the next thread to be sure this can all get in........
Aww ChatterGirl259 :hug: I know how you feel, I starve myself many times in the past and end up in the hospital 3 times, I had an horrible kidney infections, had a hard time breathing, hard time swallowing water or icetea down my throat, and I had passed out few times also, I was told that my organs could slowly shut down if I kept starving myself ...
Another good way to detox, is by putting Chevril or parsley in soups or teas, it detoxes the heavy metals in the body!

If you have asthma, most people find it helps if they stay away from Milk, Cheese and Dairy.........Raw Milk is completely different than milk in the stores, and if you have candida the cheeses that are good is mozzarella, and feta.
(If you spit in a glass of water first thing in the morning and let that sit and if you see long spirily peices danging too the bottom, then you have a yeast overgrowth).

If you have enzema or dandruff the cause is most likely all the white breads, white flour, white sugar your body's is trying to detox, and everybody has different detox pathways.

Cholesterol is good for the body, because Cholesterol is like the natural band-aid for problems in the body. Toxins are stored in fats in your body too!
So if you can't lose weight with whatever your doing, your either not exercising and eating the way your body wants and needs you to eat (protein, fats and complex carbs) or: your body is protecting you and your organs and keeping the toxins in your fat!

Hungry? Try eating Savoy Cabbage wraps with natural peanut butter!

Or spead guacamole on romaine leaves, add cumcumber and eat!

Bitter Almonds prevent cancer, so try to eat that a lot!

Craving chips? Bake your own potato chips, with Celtic Sea Salt and a bit of olive oil - you won't believe how good they are!

Starving? Your body's craving for protein and you should have a fat source to digest that protein, so eggs are really great. Bee from the Candida Group
has these idea's about being hungry:

Eggs are one of the most perfect foods you can eat, especially raw certified
organic free-range eggs – see the raw egg drink in our recipe files.

Now I've perfected the drink and still have 4-6 eggs in it in the morning. I put the eggs in a blender while boiling water, and add 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil and 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and stevia to taste. Pour in about 1-1/2 - 2 cups of boiling water - blend and drink.
If your heavy and your digestion is slow, you may just handle one egg but I don't bother with the stevia, but add cayenne pepper, coconut oil and butter.
(Unsalted butter is really the best)

You can start with 2 raw eggs per drink or more, depending upon how you do on it, and use less oil and butter per drink, having it more often during the day. What do you think?

Bone broths and soups are also easier to digest and to eat than solid foods, or even puree all of your foods.

Remember, it takes approximately one month of healing for every year you had symptoms.

Ocean sea salt and lemons increase digestive juices. Proteins stimulate acid production in the stomach, and fats and proteins stimulate the gall bladder to dump it contents. The liver makes bile acid out of cholesterol.

Some people must be on the diet up to 6 months before they can start antifungals. The best antifungals are raw crushed certified organic garlic and oil of oregano. Again, start at a low dose and gradually increase them.

Proteins are found in all types of food, but only meat, eggs, cheese and other foods from animal sources contain complete proteins, providing the eight essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own. Vegetables, fruits and grains contain incomplete proteins and also do not contain the fat soluble vitamins required by the body for utilizing protein and other nutrients.

Mix Cinnamon and stevia (powdered) into coconut oil and spread it thin on a cookie sheet and freeze it. I then break it up and store it in a container in my freezer. It helps to have a variety of ways to get your coconut oil.

A few tablespoons of organic coconut milk with a little raw organic honey helps to stop the cravings.

Something I tried that was fun to eat with meat and a salad was spaghetti squash. You cut it up(scrape out the seeds) boil it for 20 minutes and then scrape it off the skin and it's thready like spaghetti and tastes pretty good with lots of butter, garlic and onion powder and sea salt.

Cold water chills the liver reducing its performance therefore keeping the body more toxic than is necessary by drinking room temperature water.

From: “Taking the Fear out of Eating Fat”
In fact, the clients I see who eat low fat diets are usually the most unhealthy people that I work with. They typically suffer from symptoms of depression, fatigue, anxiety, mood swings, hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, constant and insatiable hunger, gall bladder problems (gas, bloating, "acid-reflux," loose stools), hormonal imbalances, and even lack of menstruation in young women. Women on low fat diets especially complain that their hair is dry and brittle and falls out easily and their skin is dry and wrinkly. And, as crazy as it sounds, they almost always want to lose weight!

Why Butter is Better by Stephen Byrnes, PhD
(Margarine is one molecule away from plastic, put a tub in your garage and the bugs won't even go near Heart Attacks were vaguely unheard of before the mass production of margarine!

Affirmations for Creating the Life of Your Dreams

When you make brooth from meat bones like chicken and turkey or beef it should be simmered for 24 hours to get the nutrients out of the bones, and of course add coconut oil, because it's the fat that fills you up and digest the proteins.

Buckwheat Pancake recipe.

I use this for pancakes and use the pancakes as a bread substitute.
Easy, not so many ingredients and wheat/gluten free.
(Also use this for a pizza base)

1 Cup buckwheat flour
2 tsp baking powder (I use gluten free)
pinch salt (I use celtic sea salt)

Put dry ingredients in bowl and mix well (I use a whisk)
Mix wet ingredients in seperate bowl.

1 egg beaten (with a fork is fine)
1 TBSP oil
1 Cup + 1 TBSP water
optional: a bit of sweetener...stevia,

Mix well mixed wet ingredients into dry ingredients and whisk to mix
well. Cook like regular pancakes (just below 'medium' heat) and
remove to a rack to cool. You can store these in the fridge for a
few days after they are cooled.

Or the easier recipe which I'd follow is:
1/2 c. Buckwheat Flour, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 egg, 1/2 c. water which makes
3 moderate size pancakes.

Hungry? Maka a bowl of tuna and a dish of veggies or olives and think Meditteranean, they eat better and live healthier because of how they eat!

If you fed anybody or any animal the Standard North American Diet of processed foods, and TV food bags within years anyone of them will start getting problems like we have! We eat too much processed junk, and don't grow our own food, we don't eat real foods..........

Plus the Traditional Canada Food Guide is crap too, mainly marketed by corporations to keep us eating what they choose they want us to eat more or less, the proper way our bodies need to eat is according to our blood type (for B+ blood, turkey, spelt, and lamb is good) and we NEEN FATS TO DIGEST THE PROTEINS that make up the building blocks of our body, and complex carbs!

Liver Flush Cocktail (If your interested)
(The Liver is the organ that takes care of detoxing toxins from the body)
In a blender combine:

8 ounces of spring water
1 clove of raw crushed garlic
1 tablespoon of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
1-inch piece of fresh ginger root, cut up

Blend well and drink straight (don't sip).

Another good book about the digestive system is:
"Eating Alive", by Matsen John, ND

More than 98% of convicted felons are bread users.
Bread is associated with all the major diseases in the body.
Source: (she knows sign language) and

Try popping it like your would pop popcorn. Use a little oil, in a hot pan with a lid, and keep it moving so the kernels don't burn. Popped Amartanth uses are many as they add texture and crunchiness to breads, salads, soups and granola. Your can do that with Quinoa as well.

Cut an apple (red organic is the best) with natural peanut butter!

If you a rice fan, ditch the white rice and eat brown and you can cook in in tea instead of plain water!

The Weston A. Price Organization recomments sourdough bread as being healthy! They have chapters all over the world:

Butter added to vegetables and meats, ensures proper assimilation of the minerals and water-soluble vitamins in foods. In areas far from the sea, iodine in butter protects against goiter (enlarged thyroid). Butter is also extremely rich in selenium, a trace mineral with antioxidant properties.

Vegetables with the lowest carbohydrate index are green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, turnips, spinach, asparagus, celery, peppers, kale, mustard greens, and Chinese cabbage. Some vegetables also inhibit the growth of Candida such as raw garlic, onions, horseradish, cabbage, broccoli, turnip, and kale.

Grains that okay to consume are non-gluten grains such as millet, buckwheat, barley and rice. However, barley and rice are starches and should be kept to a minimum. Long cooking times removes the unhealthy substances in them. Brown rice is preferable to white rice as well.

Millet and buckwheat are not true grains. They are more seed-like. But like all grains, seeds and nuts they must be soaked before cooking.

Cholesterol is the body’s version of fat, and contrary to popular belief cholesterol, is your best friend. Cholesterol’s job is to repair and protect, and it is essential for nourishing the brain and nervous system. The brain is 70% cholesterol and it could not function properly without it. Hormones, like estrogen and testosterone, are made from cholesterol. Bile salts (for digestion) are made from cholesterol. Cholesterol is also a powerful antioxidant.
1. Best food choices (lowest carb count = approximately 3% carbs)

asparagus, bok choy, beet greens, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower,
celery, chard, cucumber, endive, fennel bulb, lettuce, mustard
greens, peppers, green & sweet, radish, spinach, tomato, watercress

Other good choices: fresh garlic & ginger, homemade sprouts, i.e.
clover sprouts, radish sprouts, lentil sprouts, mung bean sprouts.
(Legumes, when sprouted, have low carb counts. Sprout them until
they grow a shoot at least half an inch long)

Make sprouts in small batches and eat them while fresh. Do not store
them in the fridge for long periods of time or they will collect mold.

2. Next best food choices (low carb count = approximately 6% carbs)

brussel sprouts, chives, collards, dandelion greens, green beans,
eggplant, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, okra, onion, parsley, peppers,
rutabagas, turnip, zucchini,

lemon & lime (they are fruits, but low enough in sugar to be a friendly food)

Other good choices: fresh herbs, i.e. cilantro, chervil, tarragon, etc., occasional oil cured olives.

Gluten is a protein that is difficult to digest which interferes with mineral absorption and causes a great deal of intestinal damage. This damage, combined with the effects of yeast overgrowth, making the intestines incapable of absorbing nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and even water in some cases.

From Bee's Candida List:

cutting out the carbs is only
difficult for a couple of days, or maybe 3 or 4 at the worst. your
body will need a little time to adjust to not using a daily intake of
carbs for fuel, and will end up switching over to using the good fats
we eat as its fuel source. i think the worst part of it is really the
emotional attachment, the routine and the habit of eating those foods.
we really don't need them to be healthy or active.

make sure you take the time to read the information that was sent to
you when you joined. and go to the files section and start reading
too. there is a wealth of important information there.


a typical day in my current routine:

breakfast, 2 or 3 cups very weak tea (yerba mate is my current fave)
2 eggs gently fried in a little bacon fat & seasoned with sea salt &
cayenne(bacon from natural healthy pigs, no sugars, preservatives etc)
and one slice bacon

later when i get hungry, a bowl of warm (not too hot) pureed veg soup
with a good dollop of coconut oil and some raw butter stirred in
(combination of onion, celery, broccoli, cauliflower and kale)

or some tuna or sardine salad with a crudites of radishes and celery
(when i'm tolerating raw veggies, sometimes i have to keep away from
them due to digestive troubles)

sometimes i snack on a little extra protein or fat or both, like
yesterday afternoon i had a little plate of leftover duck breast with
a slice of raw butter, and some sea salt sprinkled on top. just enough
to tide me over until dinner.

or i'll snack on a few tablespoons of homemade sauerkraut or kim chee.

dinner is usually a first course of protein with a green salad (lately
with fresh tomato and onion with an apple cider vinagrette)
then if i'm still hungry a little while afterwards, some steamed
veggies with butter and sea salt, or coconut oil & sea salt.

Believe me if you eat plenty of fat, protein and
fiber-rich carbs (like broccoli) you will be far from
hungry! I have a hard time getting all my food in
that I'm supposed to and I've been losing weight like

Trust me when I say that you will have a feeling of
satiety like you've never had in your life. I never
felt actually full on a high carb meal, and I do now.

Here's my fitday in case you are interested:

Good-night, end of my posts.

Start following these methods and you'll never need to diet!
But make the changes slow-ly! Very Slowly!

Just remember Bali's Sun Coconut Oil is the best, better quality than the type sold at according to one nutritionist I know. And I'am extremely fussy about coconut oil, and have NEVER had a problem with this brand!
One last thing:

I read once that if you drink 1 tsp. of honey and 1 tsp. of cinnamon every morning, no matter how obese you are you will lose the pounds.
I gather if depends on how natural the honey is, and some types of cinnamon are different, but this drink is sooooooooooooooooo good, it's like Chai Tea almost!

Subject: honey and cinnamon cures

Facts on honey and cinnamon:

Q. What is the only food that doesn't spoil?

A. Honey

It is found that mixture of Honey and Cinnamon cures most of the diseases.
Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world.
Ayurvedic as well as Yunani medicine have been using honey as a vital
medicine for centuries.

Scientists of today also accept honey as a "Ram Ban" (very effective)
medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without any side
effects for any kind of diseases.

ARTHRITIS: Arthritis patients may take daily, morning and night, one cup of
hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon
powder. If taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured.

HAIR LOSS: Those suffering from hair loss or baldness, may apply a paste of
hot olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder
before bath and keep it for approx. 15 min. and then wash the hair. It was
found to be effective even if kept on for 5 minutes.

TOOTHACHE: Make a paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five
teaspoons of honey and apply on the aching tooth. This may be applied 3
times a day till the tooth stops aching.

IMMUNE SYSTEM: Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune
system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks.

LONGEVITY: Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly
arrests the ravages of old age. Take 4 spoons of honey, 1 spoon of cinnamon
powder and 3 cups of water and boil to make like tea. Drink 1/4 cup, 3 to 4
times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age.

WEIGHT LOSS: Daily in the morning 1/2 hour before breakfast on an empty
stomach and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled
in one-cup water. If taken regularly it reduces the weight of even the most
obese person.

The Benefits of Kombucha:
Thicker Hair, Stress Buster, Cures Candida Overgrowth, Better Concentration.

Why did people stop posting??

Another good healthy receipe is peas with celery and lots of parsley mixed with flax seeds, which by the way must be grounded to digest, I also add lemon rinds, it was a smash at the Weston A. Price Potluck tonight!
ChatterGirl259 said:
Well, I want to loose weight REALLY bad I mean like REALLY bad I am about 160 pounds I am 13 and I am about 5'5-5'6
Recently I kinda stopped eating
when I say kinda I mean I stopped eating breakfast lunch and dinner and just had little things of food, like at school we have pizza and salad I gave my pizza away and had just a little salad in the morning I had a bananan in the morning, then after school I had a 100 calorie pack of ritze chips and a bottle of water thats the 3 things Iv had all day and sure I feel hungry, really hungry but I can handel it, is this like a seriouse problem? That I am doing this? :Ohno:

I understand exactly what you are going through right now honey,,,,I've been in your shoes when I was teenager. When I was hip were huge and I couldnt stay thin...I was miserable so when I read magazine and saw how many pretty girls were...I was desperated to lose weight and look good...Anyway, by the time I was 17, I slowly rejected eating food everyday...for example: I didnt eat breakfast every morning...only ate lunch and supper...then later on, I didnt eat breakfast and lunch, only eat got my attention and addicted to lose more and more weight. When I was in shower or brush my hair, I lost some hair... I did it for 3 years..Every time, I looked at my mind decieved me into thinking that I needed lose more weight!

By the time I was about 20, the doctor ordered for me to start eating or otherwise I would not live. I decided to start eating again...I ate and ate then about age 23-25, Ive gained so much weight real bad...because I rejected foods when I was younger and it caused messed up in my body system...does this make sense?

I would recommend to all teenager girls to never try to do will mess up with your body system...

If you need someone to talk with about this issue, please feel free to PM me. :D
Dannie said:
Why did people stop posting??

Another good healthy receipe is peas with celery and lots of parsley mixed with flax seeds, which by the way must be grounded to digest, I also add lemon rinds, it was a smash at the Weston A. Price Potluck tonight!

HAIR LOSS: Those suffering from hair loss or baldness, may apply a paste of
hot olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder
before bath and keep it for approx. 15 min. and then wash the hair. It was
found to be effective even if kept on for 5 minutes.

My brother is getting bald so are you saying this will prevent from getting more bald?
Well in my humble opinion, bulmic and anexoria have nothing to do about wanted to be thin or skinny. It is common to feel better about ourselves if we shed a few pounds off. People who are struggling with eating disorder are unhappy with their mental and physical well-being. When they vomit or reject food, it helps them to feel good about themselves. This is a disease that is very hard to get rid of because victims lose the ability to function effetively- great perosnal loss, and loss to society.


  • Eating%20Disorders%20An%20Intro.pdf
    26.5 KB · Views: 1

I know for some guys I have read that Kombucha helps with that. It's so easy to make but must to kept in a warm dark spot, it's just a mix of 1/2 cup white sugar with 1 cup of water boiled till the sugar dissolves then you put in 4 teabags, either tetley, green or black tea and simmer for 5 minutes, and then put the mix in a large 2 litre pickle jar that's full of filtered cool water and then you add the scoby which is a mushroom from people who make Kombucha because every batch makes a new scoby..........

Anyway it is a fermented drink that helps with digestion, works in the same way as Kimchi or takes two weeks for the scoby to ferment all the sugar in the jar and you just put a cheesecloth of coffee filter over the top of the jar held down with an elastic band.

The Benefits of Kombucha:
Thicker Hair, Stress Buster, Cures Candida Overgrowth, Better Concentration.

I used to be very thin but even though people said I had anorexia I didn't my gut just really stops digesting food when I'am very upset like when I was raped or when some jackass says something real bad that's really bad!
And I just automatically lose weight, after I was raped I couldn't put on any weight for 10 years no matter how much I ate, so not everybody's who's thin thin just is anorexic, but if you need to put your attention on something else to get food off your brain, try taking martial arts classes!
My aunt was Anorexia, she died. It's not good idea for you to doing that because it's very dangerous for you same thing with Bumlic which my another aunt do that for almost 20 years. It's not very good idea. I'm not really pleasure to seeing that.. I hope you change your eating way before too late.

Good luck.