Anderson Cooper announces he is Gay


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Oct 10, 2011
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Anderson Cooper announced he is gay. He says he will not talk about it on the air. He wanted people to know he is gay and that he is not ashamed of it.
I will be glad if we see the day in my lifetime when nobody cares.

I am never expected to announce my heterosexuality, and I just can't see why the world feels the need to know about anybody's preference either way.
I agree with you and it should not matter. I really like Anderson Cooper and find it quite sad the tabloids would not leave him alone. Hopefully now they will leave him alone and let him continue doing the great reporting that he does.
I think he did that because he let hi-profile homosexual celebs know that he is gay, so he get load of phone calls to hang out.
I think he did that because he let hi-profile homosexual celebs know that he is gay, so he get load of phone calls to hang out.

Oh yup, that's funny. :lol:

Finally about Anderson Cooper came OUT! :shock: :P
I thought he was already out....When he announced I was surprised. I had heard the rumors....thought everyone knew.
Oh, he's gay :jaw:(and CUTE :naughty:). I am calling him right now.

EDITED: I was fooling around. I am not gay, in case you thought that I was. I was trying to make a point that it's no big deal about him being gay. There are many gay/lesbian entertainers all over the world so what is the point of this thread? Another gossip?
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I thought he was already out....When he announced I was surprised. I had heard the rumors....thought everyone knew.
I thought it was common knowledge, for like the past 10 years. He used to publicly talk about his boy friend. What's with the big announcement? It never was a secret. Were there a few people left on earth who didn't know?
I thought it was common knowledge, for like the past 10 years. He used to publicly talk about his boy friend. What's with the big announcement? It never was a secret. Were there a few people left on earth who didn't know?

I didn't know Anderson Cooper was gay until now.
I thought it was common knowledge, for like the past 10 years. He used to publicly talk about his boy friend. What's with the big announcement? It never was a secret. Were there a few people left on earth who didn't know?

I didn't know it.
I thought he was already out....When he announced I was surprised. I had heard the rumors....thought everyone knew.

I thought it was common knowledge, for like the past 10 years. He used to publicly talk about his boy friend. What's with the big announcement? It never was a secret. Were there a few people left on earth who didn't know?

I didn't know this, and was not going to assume it. I missed the memo. Must be those people at FoxNews keeping you informed. :wave:
Well, being "so cute", maybe he got hit on by a lot of he decided to come out nationally. But whatever the case, sure is a 'convenient' time to come out.
Well, being "so cute", maybe he got hit on by a lot of he decided to come out nationally. But whatever the case, sure is a 'convenient' time to come out.

I think he is cute too. His mom is Gloria Vanderbilt and she has had way too much plastic surgery. I have been watching Anderson Cooper for a very long time and I really like his new talk show. I did not know he was gay, until my husband showed me the article in the paper last night. It doesn't change my opinion of him at all. He is a great reporter and an all over great, good looking man. You go Anderson!!!!!!
I thought he was already out....When he announced I was surprised. I had heard the rumors....thought everyone knew.

surprised? what are you surprised about?

I wasn't surprised. just "oh ok... *shrug*"
Guess he wants to end the rumor around and around until he said, and it stopped. He can enjoy his life, and move on.
:eek2:Wow! I didn't notice he doesn't look that gay.

I totally know you didn't mean anything by it and I'm honestly not trying to be bitchy here, but that was an incredibly ignorant thing to say. You are grouping all gay people into one stereotype... I'm assuming an "oh heeeeeeyyyy, gurl!!! you look FAB-U-LOUS!!" rainbow-colors wearing, flaming homosexual stereotype.

Maybe I'm wrong and that's not what you were thinking, but regardless, saying "wow, he/she doesn't look gay" is offensive.
I didn't know this, and was not going to assume it. I missed the memo. Must be those people at FoxNews keeping you informed. :wave:
No, it wasn't FoxNews. :roll:

A couple years ago, TCS read an interview with Cooper where he talked about his live-in boyfriend. It didn't seem to be a big deal.
I will be glad if we see the day in my lifetime when nobody cares.

I am never expected to announce my heterosexuality, and I just can't see why the world feels the need to know about anybody's preference either way.

same here, its a whoope-doo, big fucking deal, its no body business to know who or what they prefer, oh ok just don't fuck animals thats all