An "Angel on Your Shoulder"?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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What does it mean to you when someone says...."You have...or you must have...."an Angel on your shoulder"?
You have good luck. Less bad things happen to you than to others.
It can mean that you've had some close calls with danger that you escaped only thru divine intervention.
It can mean that you've had some close calls with danger that you escaped only thru divine intervention.

Been there done that. I've had a few too many with idiot drivers not paying attention to where I am at or being chatty on their cell phones when I'm riding my bicycle. Makes me want to tell them to STFU and pay attention.
Been there done that. I've had a few too many with idiot drivers not paying attention to where I am at or being chatty on their cell phones when I'm riding my bicycle. Makes me want to tell them to good grief and pay attention.

Remember you stated you don't swear.
It also might mean that it is a miracle that you survive and the angel is looking out for you and protecting you. The angel is there with you. That is my thought (opinion). :)
Or it means one is making right choices like listening to the angel instead of the devil on the other shoulder?
It also might mean that it is a miracle that you survive and the angel is looking out for you and protecting you. The angel is there with you. That is my thought (opinion). :)

Yes, I can attest to that...
I feel like I have an overweight angel on my right shoulder because it hurt so much!