American Deaf Politically Engaged?

Shannon Turner

New Member
Nov 9, 2014
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My name is Shannon. I'm a student at Patrick Henry College (in VA), and I'm conducting research on D/deaf people's involvement in politics. I'm looking for American deaf who are willing to take a quick survey on how much they participate in American politics and why they do or don't. If you're interested, please PM me and I'll send you the link. The survey is completely anonymous.

Thank you!

PS - if you have any suggestions for resources I could/should look into for information on the topic, I'd gladly take them ;)

EDIT: I've learned that I can post links to this post! So instead of PMing me please follow this link ( if you're interested in taking the survey. There's only 13 short questions - it shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes. And all your answers are completely anonymous. Thank you!
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My name is Shannon. I'm a student at Patrick Henry College (in VA), and I'm conducting research on D/deaf people's involvement in politics. I'm looking for American deaf who are willing to take a quick survey on how much they participate in American politics and why they do or don't. If you're interested, please PM me and I'll send you the link. The survey is completely anonymous.

Thank you!

PS - if you have any suggestions for resources I could/should look into for information on the topic, I'd gladly take them ;)

You cannot do PM until you have made a certain number of regular posts and this shows as you first post. I have lost track of how many you need.
YES, for 'interest in politics - that is the general public politics'

NO, for the 'Deaf politics' as there is too much fragmentation and audism is still a HUGE problem that has not yet (or maybe never will- which is a TRAGIC!!) to be made recognized as a serious social problem to be addressed by means of policy changes directive won by deaf politics in the realm of 'disability and language'..this is a VERY SERIOUS problem , while it is widely underrated, undervalued, and misunderstood of its magnitude.
Oh, I didn't realize that when I read the forum rules. I'll have to find some other way to ask people to take the questionnaire. Thanks for letting me know!
Oh, I didn't realize that when I read the forum rules. I'll have to find some other way to ask people to take the questionnaire. Thanks for letting me know!

I think you only need ten posts so stay a while and you will make it. Responding here counts, I believe so......tell us something about did you become interested in the deaf?
Hi Tousi!
That's encouraging to hear! Well, I'm a junior undergraduate student studying government, though I've always entertained the thought of getting my interpreter's license someday. I first got involved with ASL and the deaf through a sign language class I took in middle school and high school. From there, I was able to get involved a little with some deaf, and I've always been curious to understand the deaf and Deaf culture better. I've gotten to do a little interpreting (though there's definitely MUCH room for improvement ;) and I definitely want to keep practicing and learning and making deaf friends even though I'm not taking classes any more.

Are you deaf?
Ah! I see I can post links here! I've included the link to the survey in the original post. Thank you for all your help, everyone ;)