

New Member
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
got this from a friend via email!!

The bridge (or should it be called tunnel) goes under water to allow movement of ships. In order for ships to pass, this bridge is half under the water. You drive down in the water and then come out on the other side. Truly a marvelous piece of engineering! This bridge is between Sweden and Denmark . Picture taken from the side of Sweden.

(can someone teach me how do to do this?? while i upload this picture)
No picture?

Yes, I heard about this. I have a picture somewhere in my file. I'll add when I find.
Liebling:-))) said:
No picture?

Yes, I heard about this. I have a picture somewhere in my file. I'll add when I find.

pls do.. cuz it wouldnt let me upload. grrr!! damn this pc.. :(
I remember going through the Chesapeake Bridges and Tunnels as I was growing up and going on family trips to Florida. My mum would cringe each time we crossed the bridges. Heh heh
zesty said:

thanks a bunch!!! :kiss:
damn my pc wouldn't let me upload! :squint: mofo!

Err... isn't this kind of tunnel kinda dangerous?

I meant, what if there's a flood?
Liebling:-))) said:
Is this what you looking for? :ily:


That's in Virginia, not between Sweden and Denmark. In fact, I believe that is the same bridge that Reba referred to.
Banjo said:
That's in Virginia, not between Sweden and Denmark. In fact, I believe that is the same bridge that Reba referred to.

no this is btwn sweden and denmark.. look at the pictures.. they are both TOTALLY DIFFERENT.. ;)
zesty said:
no this is btwn sweden and denmark.. look at the pictures.. they are both TOTALLY DIFFERENT.. ;)
I wonder if you are talking about Oresund Fixed Link (bridge between Denmark and Sweden)? If so yeah, that does look like what you said. Here's another picture:


Banjo, naw. That is the bridge between Sweden and Denmark. Check this out:
zesty said:
no this is btwn sweden and denmark.. look at the pictures.. they are both TOTALLY DIFFERENT.. ;)

Not according to Snopes and this. Okay, this one is a different bridge from Reba's link. So, my mistake on that part.

But, it's not between Sweden and Denmark.