Am I wrong here????


Active Member
Apr 7, 2003
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Here is the story. I am currently living in the basment apartment with an ex. Her sister owns the house and rents the apartment out to us. Since the basement was once a "family room" converted into an apartment, the utilities are together.

Wednesday morning, the electric company came to the house and shut off our power. I talked to the guy from the electric company and he stated that there were no payments made to the bill since September and that $1500 is owed.

I had to make a decision. I decided to pack a few things up and stay at my friend's house. I kept checking in with my roomie to see if she was ok and I visited her. She stated that her "friend" was going to put the electric bill in his name and had it turned back on.

I called today to see how my roommate was doing. She stated that they had the power turned back on, but her sister wants me out of the house this weekend because I took the ordeal the wrong way. She said I should have stayed at the apartment without electric.

Well, since I was told that I am wanted out of the house this weekend, I called Cox Communications to cancel the Cable TV, Internet, and the phone because I pay for them and they are in my name. I felt like I shouldn't have to pay for something I hardly use because I work 60 to 80+ hours a week.

Just as I got off the phone with Cox, my roomie IM's me and says that I have to the end of the month now. I told her that I just got off the phone with Cox and that everything will be cancelled by Monday. She then said that I was a dick and an asshole for shutting off Cox.

How wrong am I? What should I have done different? I just need some support right now and I thought I would ask on here. Thank you for your opinions.
I don't think ur doing wrong at all cuz if u keep it on till end of month then it would have end up high bills as revenge know what i mean?
Absolutely, you were right to turn all these off. Though, you could have informed them that you were going to do it and asked them to change names (dont know if that is possible). But, you had every right to do that since you were not living there anymore. I would have done the same thing.
I had experienced some roommate disputes in the past, so I understand what you are pondering about.

I think you did the right way by disconnecting the services since you are being ASKED to move out, so therefore it is in your head that you are not living in this place anymore, and all services are under your name, so you have a right to do so.
Perhaps, your roommate is mad that you shut the Cox service down. Is she an user as well?
Since her sister wants you out of the house by this weekend, and then you have a right to cancel any subcriptions by under your name in her house either they like it or not. Second, from what i read yoru post, You didn't do anything wrong and have enough to support and help them around the house. I have a feeling that they were kinding of hope that you should be paid for electronic bill. In case they asked you for that bill, do not pay for it cause you were told that you moved in that comes with including utilities.
Originally posted by Aphrodite
Perhaps, your roommate is mad that you shut the Cox service down. Is she an user as well?
She uses the services, too. I had to cancel long distance because she had run up $400 in telephone bills in 3 months. She also uses the interent, but since I own the cable modem, the router, and the wireless PC Card, I am taking that with me and she is going to lose out. I also own the tv, vcr, dvd, microwave, toaster, and other things.
Prostock -- u have done NOTHING wrong and u did the right thing by cutting off the services u were paying for while living in the place and they were in ur name so u had EVERY right to do so
You did the right thing, there's nothing wrong about what you've done. Why pay for those things if you're not going to be living there anyway? She's immature, looks like she's using people to use things that she dont want to pay. If she wants to have those services, she pay it herself. Not worth it to blow your money on something you dont even use and dont even live in the same household. You're probably better off staying somewhere else than there becuase that could have led you to debt problems. :ugh:
Originally posted by Teekie
You did the right thing, there's nothing wrong about what you've done. Why pay for those things if you're not going to be living there anyway? She's immature, looks like she's using people to use things that she dont want to pay. If she wants to have those services, she pay it herself. Not worth it to blow your money on something you dont even use and dont even live in the same household. You're probably better off staying somewhere else than there becuase that could have led you to debt problems. :ugh:

:werd: Teekie -- i agree!

BTW kewl new sig! theyre cute!!!!!! :D
Originally posted by Teekie
You did the right thing, there's nothing wrong about what you've done. Why pay for those things if you're not going to be living there anyway? She's immature, looks like she's using people to use things that she dont want to pay. If she wants to have those services, she pay it herself. Not worth it to blow your money on something you dont even use and dont even live in the same household. You're probably better off staying somewhere else than there becuase that could have led you to debt problems. :ugh:

Hey you done nothin wrong. Its on your name and you are paying for it. Why should you pay for it if you not going to stay there. She is using you to pay everything for her. Tell her to pay for her own not you.
prostock i agree with everyone here you were right to shut off that power it was all in ur name and etc. I went thru a similar thing u did, and i t was all in my name as well, I cancelled everything moved out whilist my x was bitching abt me cancelling everything i told her put it all in ur name then cuz my hands were off on the bills i paid them all fair and sqaure and she kept running up my phone bill so i cut the phone services and made her get her own line and i moved out that weekend to a better place, but then a week later my car was bashed in for two reasons one they said i oweed money which was BS i never oweed anyone money, the 2nd was they didn't like my lifestyle and didnt like me having anyone in the apt. i told them same me dont like having thier lovers move in without permission!
So the guy that bashed my car in was arrressted and I was free of all debts :)
:werd: same here..


u are off better bein on ur own cuz it's harder to find a roommate u can TRUST and crap like that :roll: I wish u the best of luck to show the proof why cuz it was in ur name and u did something right to cut it off cuz they didn't pay services on time and etc.. ;)
you are right to leave this apt because you need a electric power to use for your living, you can leave this apt without your right o know about power was gone.
Originally posted by prostock19
She uses the services, too. I had to cancel long distance because she had run up $400 in telephone bills in 3 months. She also uses the interent, but since I own the cable modem, the router, and the wireless PC Card, I am taking that with me and she is going to lose out. I also own the tv, vcr, dvd, microwave, toaster, and other things.

God! Seems that she don't use her common sense to GET the CLEAR picture of a WHOLE situation itself why you are doing this in a REASONABLE way!
Update on everything. I went today with a few friends to move out the heavy stuff like my washer, dryer, etc. I was told that all I think about is myself. Yes, at time, I do think about myself. Everyone has to think about themselves at times. How many people would take emergency time out of work to drive from RI to Gally because my friend's mom's truck would not fit all her stuff that was needed? How many people would drive from RI to NYSSD to pick up TEDDY so that he can attend Allisonjoy's Prom? That is only 2 examples.

UGH Sorry everyone, just have to vent.

I do want to thank everyone for support.