All Deafies Pleas Come Here


New Member
Jul 9, 2005
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I Have An Important Anouncement...... I Think That The Deaf World Is Such A Friendly Place. All Of The Deaf People I Have Ever Known Have Been The Nicest, Friendliest People I Have Ever Known. They Are Also Always Willing To Help Others Like Me!!!! Thank You So Much Everyone..... You All Deserve A Pat On The Back And An Applause!
:cheers: I second that Smiley!!! That was a very nice things you said in your posting. :ily:
Welcome - it's nice hearing lovely comments. :) I've come across some of the friendliest hearies when I venture out into the hearing community. ;)
ah thanks...but ya gotta know...the deaf world can just be like any other worlds...where there can be tons of bitches and bastards, stealing, lying, backstabbing other ppl, name it but still, most deaf people I know are pretty nice while afew I know are just being idiots and wouldn't like to waste any time with them.