Alex's Christmas Prize


New Member
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Hey folks. Alex asked me if I can post the pictures of prize that he mailed it out to me when I won the second prize a while ago. So here it is :D




I already have Deluxe Edition Spider-man that I bought a while ago so I put both boxset together. Here it is:


Alex, many and many thanks for this wonderful prize! I am a huge Spider-man fan and I am very happy to recieve your wonderful prize. You rock! :cool: :thumb:
*fly over to CA and steals the spiderman away from magatsu and fly back home* :whistle:
O... M... G... ! :eek:

That's awesome! You gotta give it to me! I'll trade you my regular edition for your special edition! :deal:
Magatsu.. Have you ever thought of being hired to be taking photos for eBayers trying to sell their products?
OldNavy, nevah!

Vampy, nope! ;)

Deaf258, Really? I think my shots are somewhat amateur... but thanks for compliment! ;)

Angel, yes it is! :D!

You are lucky bug... hehe..

Hey Alex.. its very generous of you to giving out prizes!!
we love ya!... (bown down -- Hail King Alex!)


I am your democratic debates buddy who is always on your side, so how about giving your favorite buddy that collection? :mrgreen:
VamPyroX said:
O... M... G... ! :eek:

That's awesome! You gotta give it to me! I'll trade you my regular edition for your special edition! :deal:

Cheri said:

I am your democratic debates buddy who is always on your side, so how about giving your favorite buddy that collection? :mrgreen:

I just love how everybody is greedily trying to get Magatsu to just GIVE them his prize. :lol: I’ll tell you what, Magatsu—here’s the REAL deal. :deal: I will go to Blockbuster, rent Spiderman II, rip it, and burn it on to a $0.75 blank DVD. I will then SEND you that bootleg copy in exchange for your hard won deluxe box set. You pay shipping, of course. :mrgreen: What’s that Magatsu? I can’t hear you…something about blowing it out my little chimpanzee ass and taking a flying fuck at the Moon? :( Magatsu, that hurts…I thought we were buddies…
That's awesome, Magatsu. :) I have the original Spider-Man on DVD and then Spider-Man 2. I'm not really one for the special it me or were those LONG movies? LOL. Ah, kids love 'em and they are quiet for the duration. ;)

Congrats to you, Magatsu.