After CI surgery drainage (Common?)


New Member
Apr 8, 2007
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I'm only posting this because it's now Sunday and I can't call doctor till tomorrow.

I had my CI surgery 4 days ago. Getting some throbbing pain in the inner ear. Feels a lot like an ear infection. I expected this much.

But today it's draining a lot of fluids too. My bandage that's taped on is kind of wet and on top it's starting to come apart exposing a little of the stitches. Of course I'm going to call the doctor first thing tomorrow. But in the mean time. Is this common? They said to expect some draining (Not blood, just wet) but with it being so much that the bandage is starting to come apart I'm a little worried.

Did any of you have this issue?

I have never heard of anyone experincing this. I never had ear pain (that feels like ear infection)

I hope you are able to get it sorted out. Do you have walk in centre?? perhaps this would be best way to go to ensure it's not infected and that you get on to antibiotics quickly and anything can happen in the next 24 hours. Just to be on safe side if you are concerned (i would be by the sound of it)

Hope you feel better soon
If you don't have a walk in clinic go to the ER. You should not wait for tomorrow.
I don't have a CI but I have had surgery before. After the 2nd day, things should start to hurt/drain less. Generally if it starts to hurt MORE after the 2nd day (and you haven't stopped pain meds or something) then it is a good indication to get it looked into.

The body drains extra fluid often as a way of flushing out the bad stuff. If it is draining a lot there is a good chance there is a lot of bad stuff - IE infection.

Go to the hospital/walk in and have it looked into.

I agree with the others. Go and get things checked out. I did not have any drainage after my CI surgery. I did have a few sharp pains and very slight dizziness but that was when I tried to do too much. Let us know how you are doing.
Ron, take care. If you check back in hope you see we care. Let us know you are ok.
I did had some clear fluid drainage from my stiches for a week after the operation. You can always call the doctor.
I have no experience with drainage after CI surgery. You better call doctor.
yes, rule of thumb if it starts to hurt worst each day and losing too much fluid instead of getting better (a sign of healing), you need to see a doctor. He can get a surgeon that specialize this sort of thing to have a look at it.

Your surgeon should have provided an emergency number or where to go for a emergency.
No word from Ron? I hope that he's resting and healing.
me too, but come to think of it, The pressure of my bandage made me feel awful. When I was able to take it off, I felt alot better.
Thats right Lighthouse77, I had the bandage and couldn't wait to get it off, it was so tight and uncomfortable and being in middle of hot summer didn't help!! I had the turban type bandage for 48 hours and the dressing on behind my ear and ear wick in my ear canal for 2 weeks. it was like instant relief when they were removed!
Thanks everyone.

Well, We got a hold of them today and they asked a number of questions. Things like is there any bleeding or any other things happening. But all that's really happening is a little draining and some inner ear pain. One point is the draining I experienced could have also been part sweat (humid here in Michigan). They ended up saying that I have to go in on Wednesday anyway so just wait it off till then (Only 2 days away now). But they also said if it gets worse to go to emergency.

So basically they said they could be signs of something wrong but it doesn't seem to bad because nothing else is happening. I mean the outside area doesn't really hurt. No bleeding or to much dizziness or anything like that. So unless it gets worse I'll just have them take a look in a couple of days when I go in.

I tell you what the pain feels like though. It feels exactly like an ear infection. It's deep in the ear canal.

Thanks again.

I experienced what I considered an earache which they assured me was normal. After all, you've had something crammed in to your cochlea, there's bound to be some pain. The surgeon hadn't mentioned the earache beforehand.
Yea, that's what it feels like to me too. I go tomorrow and they'll take a look. The draining has stopped and the inner ear only hurts a little right now.

Thanks again everyone.
