Advocacy Group: Commercialization Of Legal Pot Has Led To ‘Epidemic’ For Colorado Kid


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Apr 22, 2007
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DENVER (CBS4) – The results of a new study about the impact of Colorado’s marijuana legalization is raising troubling questions for parents. The study cites a significant increase in marijuana-related traffic deaths, hospital visits and school suspensions.

The parents CBS4’s Melissa Garcia spoke with say they’re concerned about their children seeing messages promoting pot all over town. Activists say it’s the way pot is marketed and sold that has started to create some serious problems.

“I never dreamed in a million years that this would happen to my son,” said parent Kendal, who didn’t want to use his last name.

Kandal talks with CBS4's CBS4's Melissa Garcia (creit: CBS)
Kandal talks with CBS4’s CBS4’s Melissa Garcia (creit: CBS)

Kendal came home one evening to find his 13-year-old son unconscious from what he says was a marijuana overdose.

He was gray. His heart wasn’t beating and he wasn’t breathing,” he said.

Kendal used CPR to resuscitate him and later talked to his son’s high school peer and supplier.

“I had heard from kids that there was 60 percent of this particular high school using drugs, and she shook her head and said, ‘That’s way low,'” Kendal said.

RELATED STORIES: Marijuana Legalization Story Archive

“Kendal’s story breaks my heart, but I’ve got to tell you we have heard that from hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of parents throughout the state,” said Diane Carlson, Smart Colorado co-founder.

Diane Carlson with Smart Colorado talks with CBS4's CBS4's Melissa Garcia (creit: CBS)
Diane Carlson with Smart Colorado talks with CBS4’s CBS4’s Melissa Garcia (creit: CBS)

Carlson says Colorado’s child and teen use of marijuana has become an epidemic.

“Kids have no idea how dangerous or harmful Colorado’s pot is,” she said.

According to a report released this month by the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, Colorado saw a 29 percent increase in emergency room visits, and a 38 percent increase in hospitalizations during retail marijuana’s first year.

(creit: CBS)
(creit: CBS)

The study states that over 11 percent of Colorado’s 12 to 17 year-olds use pot — 56 percent higher than the national average. It also cites a 40 percent increase in drug-related suspensions and expulsions — the vast majority from marijuana.

Carlson says the culprit is its commercialization.

“Marijuana might have been legalized in our state; it did not have to mean massive commercialization and promotion of marijuana use,” she said.

LINKS: Read The Full Report | Smart Colorado
if they going legalize it is it not possible for State be responsible for quality
Study by whom with for whom with what agenda?
Studies like statistics and people, if you torture them long enough,
The tell you what you want.

(Lights fat joint.....inhales..........mmmmmmm...exhales snoke in the shape roccie mountains....mmmm)
Wondering if they are manipulating the facts, these claims pretty much matched up with Synthetic Marijuana. I have NEVER heard of any case of overdose, cardiac arrest from real thing known as Cannabis BUT with Synthetic Marijuana, it DOES cause overdoses, cardiac arrest, causing people going nuts. I tried once, OM*G! Never again and it is NOT the same thing as the real Cannabis.
Canabis wont be oding on.
Synthetic fakw atuff yes...
Not real pot..
Wont happen
The nunbers in the study are cooked

Reality Check: Marijuana Did Not Kill Fiorina’s Daughter. So What Did?

Are Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina hypocrites for their views on marijuana? Ben Swann gives their statements a reality check you won't see anywhere else.
By Ben Swann -
Sep 22, 2015


It didn’t get much time in the CNN debate, but the issue of marijuana did come up.

At issue: are these candidates actually hypocrites for their views on marijuana?

And do they know what they are talking about, or are they selling fear?

This is a Reality Check you won’t see anywhere else.

During last week’s CNN debate there were a lot of issues that came up. Mostly, the candidates talked about each other. But in the slim sections that dealt with policy, one issue had some fairly interesting responses: marijuana.

“There is a prominent example on this stage of someone who says they smoked pot in high school and yet the people going to jail for this are often poor people, often blacks and Hispanics, and yet the rich kids who use drugs aren’t,” Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said, calling out Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

“Forty years ago I smoked marijuana,” he said. “I admit it, and I am sure there are other people up here who might have also, and might not want to admit it in front of 25 million people. My mom’s not happy that I just did.”

Yes, Bush admits that 40 years ago he smoked marijuana. He’s probably right that at least some of the other candidates against him for president have as well.

So what?

The real issue is one of hypocrisy.

Does Bush, or other politicians, have one set of standards for themselves and one set for others?

“In Florida, Governor Bush campaigned against medical marijuana, which means that a small child who has 500 seizures a day and is failing on nine different medications, and if you try, they will take the child away and put the family in jail,” Paul said. “And in Florida, that’s what that means. If you are against people using medical marijuana, you are willing to put them in jail and kids who have influence like you don’t go to jail. Poor kids go to jail. You want to put poor people in jail.”

“I don’t want to put poor people in jail,” Bush replied. “It was on the ballot and as a citizen of Florida I voted no.”

So Bush voted against medical marijuana as a private citizen only? Actually, no.

In 2014, the Tampa Bay Times reported that Bush did in fact campaign against Florida’s medical marijuana initiative, saying, “I strongly urge Floridians to vote against Amendment 2 this November.” The medical marijuana bill in Florida failed.

Then, former HP CEO Carly Fiorina jumped into the conversation.

“My husband frank and I buried a child to drug addiction,” Fiorina said. “So we must invest more in the treatment of drugs. I agree with Senator Paul about states rights but we are misleading young people when we say that marijuana is like having a beer, and the marijuana that kids are smoking today is not the same as what Jeb Bush smoked 40 years ago.”

So let’s talk about those two claims. Is marijuana like having a beer?

No. It’s actually safer.

According to the federal government’s national survey on drug use and health, marijuana causes fewer trips to the emergency room than alcohol or even over-the-counter pharmaceuticals per 1,000 users.

Here’s another fact: according to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 10 deaths among working-age adults can be attributed to excessive alcohol use. Alcohol poisonings account for more than 2,000 American deaths every year. Meanwhile, most experts say there has never been a documented overdose death from marijuana use in someone without an underlying condition.

So what Fiorina says here isn’t true.

What is also not true? That marijuana led to the death of her daughter.

When Fiorina said, “My husband Frank and I buried a child to drug addiction,” that drug was not marijuana. In fact, according to Fiorina’s own book Rise to the Challenge, she claims that her step-daughter’s struggles with alcohol, prescription pills and bulimia led to her death at age 35.

It’s at the end of the first prologue that Fiorina writes, “Lori’s potential was never fulfilled but death is not the only thing that crushes potential. . . . What I also know is that Americans are failing to achieve their potential today.”

So what you need know is that while technically Fiorina didn’t say which drug was responsible for her daughter’s death, she was entirely dishonest by making the statement out of her mouth about marijuana use.

Why isn’t Fiorina calling for a ban on prescription painkillers? Why not a ban on alcohol?

Meanwhile, marijuana—which we should be calling cannabis—comes in hundreds of strains. And today, tens of thousands of American families are benefiting from cannabis oil, which is curing children of epilepsy and treating people with cancer.

Fiorina’s statements and the policies she advocates would rob those families of hope, while doing nothing to prevent the tragedy she and her husband went through.

That’s Reality Check. Let’s talk about this on Twitter @BenSwann_
Wondering if they are manipulating the facts, these claims pretty much matched up with Synthetic Marijuana. I have NEVER heard of any case of overdose, cardiac arrest from real thing known as Cannabis BUT with Synthetic Marijuana, it DOES cause overdoses, cardiac arrest, causing people going nuts. I tried once, OM*G! Never again and it is NOT the same thing as the real Cannabis.

in some people it lowers blood pressure into danger zone it do me that why I don't use this minority who have abnormal blood pressure who may go into heart failour it secondary so will often go un-notice as a cause and it the strong sunk that do it not stuff of 30yrs back.More often in puff cakes rather than splifs
IT made me feel awful I thought I was not real awful panic attacks but I could see it useful for people in chronic pain but they have strongly bring hallucinary affects down if manufacture properly...
I did not know synthetic stuff
Here is lesson on history of Tomatoes

See red font paragraph below, point here is Tomatoes was once thought to be poisonous, only to find out that it wasn't Tomatoes, it was something ELSE that causing poisoning from eating Tomatoes. Same thing with Cannabis, it was likely something ELSE that cause death, if one mix with something else, often these something else disappears leaving only Cannabis in body making it look like Cannabis is the root cause. Cannabis itself is NOT water soluble which makes difficult for Cannabis to disappear quickly.

Tomato History

The Tomato History has origins traced back to the early Aztecs around 700 A.D; therefore it is believed that the tomato is native to the Americas. It was not until around the 16th century that Europeans were introduced to this fruit when the early explorers set sail to discover new lands. Throughout Southern Europe, the tomato was quickly accepted into the kitchen, yet as it moved north, more resistance was apparent. The British, for example, admired the tomato for its beauty, but believe that it was poisonous, as its appearance was similar to that of the wolf peach.

(A visitor named David had this to add to the history of the Tomato. Thanks David!)

"...most Europeans thought that the tomato was poisonous because of the way plates and flatware were made in the 1500's.

Rich people in that time used flatware made of pewter, which has a high-lead content. Foods high in acid, like tomatoes, would cause the lead to leech out into the food, resulting in lead poisoning and death. Poor people, who ate off of plates made of wood, did not have that problem, and hence did not have an aversion to tomatoes. This is essentially the reason why tomatoes were only eaten by poor people until the 1800's, especially Italians.

What changed in the 1800's? First, and most significantly, was the mass immigration from Europe to America and the traditional blending of cultures. Many Italian-Americans ate tomatoes and brought that food with them. But also, and perhaps equally as important, was the invention of pizza. There is no pizza without tomato sauce, and pizza was invented around Naples in the late 1880's. The story goes that it was created by one restaurateur in Naples to celebrate the visit of Queen Margarite, the first Italian monarch since Napoleon conquered Italy. The restaurateur made the pizza from three ingredients that represented the colors of the new Italian flag: red, white, and green. The red is the tomato sauce, the white was the mozzarella cheese, and the green was the basil topping. Hence, Pizza Margarite was born, and is still the standard for pizza. And what could have led more to the popularity of the tomato than pizza!"

It was not regarded as a kitchen vegetable until the times preceding The Civil War Period in the United States. From this point forward,tomatoes have become a staple item in the kitchen throughout the world. Each area of the world has its own tomato history and how it is used in everyday dining. It appears though that tomatoes have had the largest impact on American eating habits, as they are responsible for enjoying over 12 million tons of tomatoes each year.

Fruit or Vegetable?
An interesting aspect of tomato history is the classic debate: Is the Tomato a Fruit or Vegetable? I guess that depends on whom you are asking. By definition, a fruit is the edible plant structure of a mature ovary of a flowering plant, usually eaten raw; some are sweet like apples, but the ones that are not sweet such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc. are commonly called vegetables. Botanists claim that a fruit is any fleshy material that covers a seed or seeds where as a horticulturists point of view would pose that the tomato is a vegetable plant. Until the late 1800's the tomato was classified as a fruit to avoid taxation, but this was changed after a Supreme Court ruling that the tomato is a vegetable and should be taxed accordingly.

When it is all said and done, the history of the tomato has classified as a poisonous beautiful plant, a tax-avoiding fruit, and a taxable vegetable. Nonetheless, the tomato is the most popular vegetable in America and enjoyed by millions all over the world.
Synthetic Marijuana is NOT the real Cannabis, just fake ones, how its made? Really, what they actually did was find any kind of herbs that looks like weeds like Oregano, sprayed it with bunch of vary chemicals (Mostly with poisonous chemicals) on it which creates similar (Not exact same) effect that Cannabis offers PLUS another way to keep illegal drugs stealthy as possible... Whenever government discovered, they (Fake pot maker) would change chemical component to get it back in darkness to get away with ban... Very dangerous dodo. I tried once, OM*G! Its scary shytless for me, never again!

in some people it lowers blood pressure into danger zone it do me that why I don't use this minority who have abnormal blood pressure who may go into heart failour it secondary so will often go un-notice as a cause and it the strong sunk that do it not stuff of 30yrs back.More often in puff cakes rather than splifs
IT made me feel awful I thought I was not real awful panic attacks but I could see it useful for people in chronic pain but they have strongly bring hallucinary affects down if manufacture properly...
I did not know synthetic stuff
Last edited:
Synthetic is very evil.stuff. what ever it is, and what ever its cut with is plain and sinple no good.
Synthetic is NOT weed, in anyway. Its something utterly different,
Those with an agenda use synthetic to argue against weed, even though its not weed.
We dont have a syntheric plm up here. It stops at the border..but we have primair first class canadian bud...grown with love and canadian sunshine, in the best soil for it.
Everyone NEEDS to avoid synthetic..
Its bad atuff all round....
Real bud....was smoked by adam and eve in the garden of eden, when they were runnin around naked, havin fun and one nature....chilllin like villians with animals who understood their signs...
Thats the stuff the serpent offered..
Be warned

(Lights fat join of top quality first world , first class canadian green...mmmmmmmm)
Yup! Right word... EVIL! period My first and only experience and at that time it was perfectly legal because it wasn't recognized by DEA back then (more than 5 years ago). As soon as I experienced, I knew right away that it is FAKE and end up realized how Evilly dangerous it was. Never again!

Its Evil by extreme.

Synthetic is very evil.stuff. what ever it is, and what ever its cut with is plain and sinple no good.
Synthetic is NOT weed, in anyway. Its something utterly different,
Those with an agenda use synthetic to argue against weed, even though its not weed.
We dont have a syntheric plm up here. It stops at the border..but we have primair first class canadian bud...grown with love and canadian sunshine, in the best soil for it.
Everyone NEEDS to avoid synthetic..
Its bad atuff all round....
Real bud....was smoked by adam and eve in the garden of eden, when they were runnin around naked, havin fun and one nature....chilllin like villians with animals who understood their signs...
Thats the stuff the serpent offered..
Be warned

(Lights fat join of top quality first world , first class canadian green...mmmmmmmm)
Synthetic Marijuana is NOT the real Cannabis, just fake ones, how its made? Really, what they actually did was find any kind of herbs that looks like weeds like Oregano, sprayed it with bunch of vary chemicals (Mostly with poisonous chemicals) on it which creates similar (Not exact same) effect that Cannabis offers PLUS another way to keep illegal drugs stealthy as possible... Whenever government discovered, they (Fake pot maker) would change chemical component to get it back in darkness to get away with ban... Very dangerous dodo. I tried once, OM*G! Its scary shytless for me, never again!

This is why I feel people should be allowed to grow their own Cannabis, so they know it's the real deal. I would love to be able to smoke some pot , it's the only thing that really help my head pains . I don't get headaches , I am in pain most of the time . I had some real good pot while in OK , it really helped me get a good night sleep. I would be in big trouble if I smoked
Synthetic Marijuana and Oregano looks nothing like pot to me,.