adopt a greyhound

Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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I love animals. :D Adopt any animals you would like. I thought some of you may not be aware that lots of greyhound retired racers from the racing do put down to sleep. SO save them when they retired from the racing. I met one lady who adopted greyhound and told me that her dog is very very good. It did touch my heart. Right now I am not adopting dogs yet. I did look around but greyhound got my attention.

thought of you all, maybe you happen to fall in love with the greyhound doggies. They were born to be trained and have never been in the normal house before. Some of them dislikes cats, some of them do like cats but be aware that they are young adults once they retired.

there are many lists on google in your state. I gave a few links to give you some ideas about sweet greyhound. \

Welcome to Adopt a

Golden State California Greyhound Adoption and Retired Greyhounds Rescue

Greyhound Rescue Foundation of Tennessee
my mother adopted retired greyhound,they make most loving dogs good family dog..i would have one myself but i rescue rabbits.... this awful man in north of england who shot over ten thousand of these poor dogs,i felt sick when i read it
:ty:for sharing that about the Greyhounds, they are wonderful dogs and really make very quiet and calm pets. We were approved for adopting an ex-racer when we were searching for a second dog some years ago. At that time we'd just gotten our first beloved Rottie and were looking for another dog to join the household.
Agree with whats been said. Our greyhound came from a trainer at 3 months old with a broken leg - unsuitable for racing, wanted her PST, 2 months later We adopted her and at 15 months old, to see her run, you'd never know!

In the past I'd never minded Greyhound racing, but now I know how many healthy Greys are put down every year due to them just not being fast enough to race, it's really made me think again. It can be a cruel sport.