Activism Alert! Pres Bush has frozen Funding For Student Aid!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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Dear MoveOn member,

President Bush has frozen funding for student aid. And now he's hitting young people up for a massive loan. His new budget will increase the national debt by a half-trillion dollars this year alone. Of course, young people are the ones who will have to pay down Bush's debt through higher taxes and cuts to vital services.

Students, send this message to Bush: LOAN DENIED!

A new site we've helped launch provides a funny and productive way to say no to the Bush loan. Click the link below to reject Bush's credit -- and when you do, MoveOn Voter Fund will earn one dollar in matching funds.

President Bush has asked all Americans to go into further debt, not for priorities such as education but for tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and our war with Iraq. Bush, in his most recent budget, has asked all of us for a 4,500 dollar loan against our future earnings. This is in addition to the 13,000 dollars each of us already owes for the national debt, now totaling more than seven trillion dollars.

The campaign to reject George Bush’s credit is part of a new effort the Voter Fund is co-sponsoring called the "College Click Drive," together with a group called Click Back America. Click Back America is a great way for college students to get active. And for every student that takes action, the MoveOn Voter Fund gets a one dollar contribution for our efforts to expose Bush Administration policies. We’ll be tracking how students around the country do, and the school with the most matching contributions will win a big prize.

To participate visit:


- Wes Boyd Voter Fund
April 2, 2004
Deaf258 said:
Instead of bitching about it, why not do something about it??

Yeah we can do something about it in November.

Richard Roehm
RosesNY said:
BUSH is making worse for us and make the USA look like poor

Exactly ! You got the right answer! It's what I already knew from a long time ago that our country (America) will be decline. Europe will be the first leadin' economy in the whole world. America will be 2nd in a line behind Europe... it will not happen until in 2010. What the sad part is... that our military will not be able to get any $$ to protect our country. Of course, many other things, too.
Now that is why I'm thankful I now have a Voters Registration card in my wallet....

It's my secret weapon (the voter card) against the Bushit regime....
Nesmuth said:
Yeah we can do something about it in November.

Richard Roehm

Yeah, but do "they" want to understand and submit their vote or do "they" want to sit on their ass and bitch about their misfortunes because someone else voted??