accident ahead

Darlin Tweety

New Member
Apr 9, 2003
Reaction score
What if that really happened in the real world!? That would be a real sight!
Originally posted by GoldenLeaf74
I like to see in real one. :laugh2:
that would nice i would take out car and stand someone pic for me.. post here ;)
LOLOL. I heard of people hacking into the sign systems before. I wonder if that is photoshop or a real picture and someone hacked into the system. Either way, it is funny :laugh2: :rofl:
Originally posted by VamPyroX
What if that really happened in the real world!? That would be a real sight!

then the drivers would be shock and lead into crush! :shock:
NO way.......funny thing is if people see that i bet they would CALL their friends on the cell and tell them about it