About Hawaii


New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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I don't know why Hawaii is so special. It seems like it has been overrated...

On Sunday, we were at the Hawaii airport, and got on the bus to
Hawaii Cruise, and Honolulu city looks like any other cities. And they do
got nice oceanview and beaches. Me, mom, and my nephew decided to go where to shore excusion on the Cruise, very expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then Monday, we went to Hawaii Canyon at Kauai and I saw some
few houses, but most of lands are used for sugar canes crop, flowers, cows, horses, and trees. I might as well stay in Mississippi cause we got a lot of crops and cows and horses too. I spent $133.33, just to see a canyon!!!!!!!!!!!! It wasn't worth that. I could have gone to Arizona to see that one for free!!!!

And then Tuesday, we went to see a waterfall and a river at Kauai, it was okay.... I saw where Steven Spielburg filmed his Jurassic Park at...
And also I saw prison there. I saw 2 people signed language on the bus,
I didn't speak to them.... I am too shy. The bus broke down, cause the driver can't fix the handicapped wheelchair lifter.... ahhh, wasted 30 minutes, and our ship might leave us if we come back late. Tennessee has a lot of waterfalls.... and that is free. I spent $123.96 on Scenic Hanalei Tour, ack!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then Wednesday, we went to see Volcanoes National Park Odyssey at Hilo, that was better... cause I never seen a crater before.... well I could have gone to Washington to see some of that, I don't know if Washington State has a crater.... but I spent $123.96!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I went to the "Mauna Loa" industry, where they make some Macadamias Nut cookies, candies, and salted nut, those are so good, my mom bought some of those. But anyway, while back on the ship, we saw a little lava flowed down in the ocean. It was cool.

On Thursday, we went to Wild Dolphin Eco Adventure at Kona, and spent $153.12, where the hell are the dolphins??? me, mom and my nephew were on top of the 2 story sailboat, and we sat there for hours, waiting for the dolphins, and none were at the sea... awww, I can't get my money back, all I got was a burnt sun tan, my mom got alittle heat stroke, and my nephew was the only one got sense to go on bottom floor under the shade.
After that I just went to the store "Hilo Hattie", and bought some stuff....

On Friday, we went to Pacific Paradise Luau at Maui, that was the best best time I ever had... I like the pig they cooked underground.... wow...
and the food taste good... I love it.... whatever the vegetable the Hawaiians fed us, made everyone on the ship pooped!!!!!!!!!!!!! And
that young man who was doing the hula dance was cute too, nice nipples he has. I spent $248.96 for that!!!! ACK!!!

On Saturdayyyyyyyyyyyyy, we went to Maui Ocean Center at Maui, it was a cool Aquarium.... Saw some sharks (tiger, hammerhead, stingray, lobsters and others). I saw 2 other deaf people with their 2 children, I didn't speak to them, cause I was shy....
And went to Iao Valley, saw some mountains (look like Tarzan jungle), and saw 3 Hawaiians men dive into the river under the bridge, that was nice... but my mom (63) had hard time climbing up those steps to get
to the top of the mountain, out of breath... but it was cool. I spent $216.68. Sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Sunday, we went to Pearl Harbor and it was okay, I spent $111.45, just to see that. We supposed to leave our luggages in the cruise hallway, so that the shippers could put our luggages in the storage, And anyway, after we left the we had to haul our luggages to the bus But anyway, my mom and nephew wanted to get on the old submarine, so I used my $20 bills, at first, it would be $23 cause
$10 for an adult, $3 for a child, but I saw $6 for senior citizen (age 65 and older).... well my mom is 63... and so I lied to the cashier...
"need tickets for one adult, one senior citizen, and one child" and that totalled $19... whew....
See duh, if they hadn't been sooooo scare of the terrorists, they would have allowed us to take our purses, bags, and stuff, then the cashiers would have check our ID's for age and stuff.... nah nah nah.
So we all went on the submarine, it was cool. My nephew loved that.
Anyway, I saw more deaf people, I think only 3 guys there...
whywhathow, that is so strange I ain't never seen that many deaf people
:confused: Nope, I didn't speak to them either, I just go mind my own business, too shy.
After that tour around Honolulu, and saw Chinatown, the bus driver mentioned something about the city has protitution, crimes, and some poor people, I saw some ghetto where poor people live. And the middle class houses were kinda old. I heard the houses were high priced....
and plus USA won't buy some sugars, Hawaiians have to shut down most
of the sugar industries, stop growing some sugar canes, and lay off many workers... cause many people used artificial sugars such as Equals and stuff with Dextrose.

And there are some Japanese, Polynesians , and other Hawaiians.
They were okay, except Japanese need to be a little bit more nice....
if they want more tourists... cause tourists are one of their important part of economy.

The Cruise went well, it was nice, but need more workers on the Cruise
though and need lifeguard (what will happen if someone drowned in their swimming pool?)

I had my first caviar on the ship, wow, I felt like I lost my virgin,,, it was my first time eatting caviar, ooooohhhh.

So the bill was %#&^#%@ $1,085.98, including $6 a minute call, $1.50 for a can of coke cola, sourvenirs and $7 for a cruise picture.

And the cruise room, food, air fare were $5,781.48.

I don't know how much money me and mom spent on sourvenirs at Hawaii shops.

And the totaled all together $7,000 for Hawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I don't know what is so great about Hawaii anyway!!!!!!!!!

Just some crops, cows, horses, old houses, beaches, few cute boys, cheap cars, trees trees trees, and flowers and stuff like that. I might as well go to Florida and get somebody to do the hula for me and I can order some macadamias cookies from Mauna Loa catalog, hmph.

ALOHA :wave:

From the best to worst Excusion Shore I have been is....

1. The Luau
2. Volcanio Crater
3. Pearl Harbor tour
4. Maui Ocean
5. Canyon, it was okay.
6. Scenic Ha(the bus door is stuck) tour
7. Dolphins Tour, worst worst trip, no dolphins show up. :tears:

I bought me a Grass skirt, heeheehee :ily:
u know what Ms P... since u complained abt the volcanco being so expensive u could have used your golden access park pass its ..... Free! u could have just bought some sodas from safeway its cheaper and u could have just stop complaining abt the hawaiian island cuz its part of ...HISTORY live with it, and to put it bluntly im sorry we didn't meet cuz i live where the national volcanos are :) and im like a good 30 mins from it, too bad :ugh: but please understand we perserved our nature not the judgement, thats why we live ALOHA :)
javapride said:
u know what Ms P... since u complained abt the volcanco being so expensive u could have used your golden access park pass its ..... Free! u could have just bought some sodas from safeway its cheaper and u could have just stop complaining abt the hawaiian island cuz its part of ...HISTORY live with it, and to put it bluntly im sorry we didn't meet cuz i live where the national volcanos are :) and im like a good 30 mins from it, too bad :ugh: but please understand we perserved our nature not the judgement, thats why we live ALOHA :)

if i am ever in hawaii, ill be sure to look you up!!! and i definitely have a golden access park pass too! :thumb: maybe you can show me and whoever comes with me as well too! :thumb:
sure fesity :) just holler me up when u do come its too bad u didnt last week there was SOO Omany Deafies here! u would have had a ball here!
javapride said:
sure fesity :) just holler me up when u do come its too bad u didnt last week there was SOO Omany Deafies here! u would have had a ball here!

:( i am sure there will be other times!??! :fingersx:
Javapride, you are absolutely right - Hawaiians are big on preserving their environment! I grew up with that mindset in the schools.

Miss P, It is a good idea to learn more about Hawaii or any other places before visiting it so you can get the most out of your trip. I think you might've liked being in Oahu and perhaps Maui - Oahu is the most commerical of the islands, big cities and all. It has a major museum I think you would have liked complete with an observatory lab (for those celestial bodies light shows), themed exhibitions, and the regular exhibitions on ancient hawaiians.

Hawaii is a very good place for history, snorkeling, swimming, hiking, experiencing another culture or rather, a clash of asian and south pacific cultures within a polyesnian culture.... I miss Hawaii!
FeistyChick said:
if i am ever in hawaii, ill be sure to look you up!!! and i definitely have a golden access park pass too! :thumb: maybe you can show me and whoever comes with me as well too! :thumb:

Save money for your honeymoon !!
Is Hawaii a famous to Americans for honeymooner?

Paris is famous romantic city of all Europe for honeymooner.
Yes, Hawaii is POPULAR for wedding honeymooners.. My husband and I were planning to go to Hawaii on our honeymoon, but I ended up as 6 months pregnant and couldn't go anywhere.. For sure, we are saving up for our 10th anniversary and we will go to Hawaii for our honeymoon... I cannot wait.
I don't know what it is with you, Miss P., but it seems like you certainly didn't explore the best options and discounts for travelling. All you want to do is complain about money. If you don't want to spend so much, then you had better stay at home.
Well said, kuifje75.. :clap: :applause: Miss P.. You should know that if you going on vacation, it would cost money... If you are going oversea, it cost more too. If you going to the beach, it cost more too. You just worry about money.. Why? You should go and have fun and enjoy the explore around the big lovely islands of Hawaii.
kuifje75 said:
I don't know what it is with you, Miss P., but it seems like you certainly didn't explore the best options and discounts for travelling. All you want to do is complain about money. If you don't want to spend so much, then you had better stay at home.

Well said.
The only memory I have of Hawaii was in the early 60's. I was a litle kid by then but that only memory I have is of diamond head at sunrise. And eating hamburger wrapped in cabbage.

And I got a high school mate who is one of the hotel designers there.

I have no problems with Miss. P. erupting about the high prices there, I'd do the same thing too. And the attitude of some deafies there are volcanic too and thats the big thing about Hawaii, Volcanoes, human or not.

kuifje75 said:
I don't know what it is with you, Miss P., but it seems like you certainly didn't explore the best options and discounts for travelling. All you want to do is complain about money. If you don't want to spend so much, then you had better stay at home.

Well said :applause:

Thank you for response, CrazyRedHead. :thumb:
Many people have covered this already, but you should've done your research before you went to Hawaii. I live in the Florida Keys, and it can be very expensive to visit here as well, but if you do your research you can find deals.

For instance, always visit OFF SEASON. Popular places like the Keys or Hawaii have seasons (times of the year that are more popular), and it's more expensive to visit. You should check to see when a particular season starts; then plan your trip around it. For instance, here "season" starts in November and runs until April. Why? Because, those are the fall to Spring months, and the weather is typically bad up north. People generally migrate down here during that time to get escape the cold and snowy weather. It's always good to know what you are getting into before you go.

I'm sorry your trip didn't go the way you hoped it would. Better luck next time! :thumb:
Yeah, I should have done some research...
I should have just fly over Hawaii and just go to Maui for Luau, and then fly to Pearl Harbor, and then fly to Hilo (Volcanio). I heard the airfare is cheaper if fly from island to island. Instead of cruise.

And I could have gotten a helicopter to fly over Hilo (Volcanio and Crater area), it is only $100 a ride per person.

I could have save thousands of dollars, if I did research.

But oh well. :tears:

Javapride, I just want to warn other people... before they
go Hawaii without researching. That is all. :cry:
u know ur right but research and ask the locals for helps aders are here too to help out with the best of the budgeting..... but u know how it is :) u learn to live abt the experince :) no one is putting u down but next time try a better tack without dissing hawaii's beauty :)
Miss *Pinocchio,

Don't feel bad about not doing enough research, It could happen to anyone. Really! ;)

There are gotta be a lot of places you go, Where people spend so much money on seeing sights. It shouldn't matter really because, You get to experience it. I would love to travel around the whole world, just to see the beauty of all over. But money always the object, I aren't rich. :lol: But taking one trip at a time is always better than nothing hummm.

I'm glad you had a chance to visit Hawaii, even through the trip didn't turn out as you were hoping it would be cheaper. But, at least you went there. I never went to Hawaii yet. But I do know Hawaii is expensive just like other places are too. :thumb: Somedays I am going to visit Hawaii, Even if it gotta take years. :giggle:
Miss P,
Dunno worry about it, once you just experienced with Hawaii. Hope you did have good time. No matter how much it is or how expensive. Since its new experience for you.. I have lived on Oahu island for nearly 3 yrs. and I sure missed it. I also have seen other islands such as Lani, Maui, Kauai and other islands. Once you have experience this trip, you will probably be glad to tell your nieces/nephews or your kids about your trip in Hawaii.. You will never forget how good time u had while u were in Hawaii...