Abbriviation Newbie


New Member
Jul 2, 2010
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Hi everyone, I'm sorry to say that while I am very computer savvy I have adamantly rejected slang IMing, texting, and the like so I'm am usually at a loss for those abb.s but I am getting it (such as LMAO, and IMHO. Someone explained them to me ) But now I'm stuck on some of the abb.s that are specific to this site, or rather the deaf culture. What is SEE and what is the difference between that and ASL. Does noone use TTY anymore? I saw some posts to that effect. What is the new alternative? ( I figured out CI and HA. I know I'm a genius. -sarcasm-) There are so many others that I can't think of. Can you all post any of the widely used abbriviations that a newbie like me might not know and it's definition PLEASE? :ty: I want to learn so much but I find myself hung up on these a little.:confused:
people still use TTY , but others also use plain old instant message , emails, text message (cellphone) or IP relay (for relay service). If you know ASL, they use VRS for video relay service and companies like purple.
Oh I get it. So I'm not signing ASL because I can't get out of the habit of signing exactly how I'm thinking it. I'm useing/doing SEE.

oh also what's P3? And can you explain relay service? (I'm really slow! If I thought about it at all I probably would've figured out the texting part. DUH!)

But Thank you so much for answering my questions. And please post any and all info you think I may not know. Chances are...I don't. :ty:
There are VRS that do SEE as well. P3 is part of purple communication company, a VRS service.

I know very little about VRS as I don't know any type of sign language. so maybe someone else will chime in and explain more.

IP-relay service uses interpreters to communicate with hearing people and is alot like TTY but you make calls using your computers and internet. I am not all that familiar with it because I rarely use it.
VRS is video relay service.
TTY is teletypewriter.
TDD is telecommunications device for the deaf.
PSE is Pidgin Signed English.
SEE = Signing Exact English
A manual code for English, which includes adding tenses etc such as ....ed,, ....est. While it is used to teach the specifics of written English, most Deaf signers agree that it is far to clumsy and convoluted for casual everyday conversations )

ASL = American Sign Language
A true, fully formed and expressive language with it's own grammar, idioms, form of poetry etc. ASL is not a form of "English on the hands", it is entirely separate just as French, German, Spanish etc are separate from English. English word equivalents of ASL signs are called "Glosses". The only real connection to English is that ASL is the Sign Language used in the same areas where English is a primary spoken written language (Canada & USA) - so fingerspelled words are typically spelled out in English (however fingerspelling is able to spell ANY language with a written form)

PSE = Pidgin Signed English
A combination of ASL & occasionally SEE signs which are used in a more "English-grammar" order. This form is typically what hearing ASL students use (even if they think they are actaully using ASL) during the first levels/years until they become more able to reproduce true ASL grammar.

HL = Hearing Loss

Hoh = Hard of Hearing

d/D = shorthand for deaf/Deaf (deaf means audiologically, Deaf means culturally)

db = Decibel (how sound levels, including abouts of hearing loss are measured)

CI = Cochlear Implant (surgically implanted hearing device)

HA = Hearing Aid

BTE = Behind The Ear hearing aid

ITE = In The Ear hearing aid

CIC = Completely In the ear Canal hearing aid

Audie = Audiologist

AG (or AGram) = Audiogram

DC = Deaf Community

Gally = Gallaudet University

AGB (or ABell) = Alexander Graham Bell (association focusing on the Oral Method ie speech & using residual hearing )

TTY = Teletypewriter

TDD = Telecommunication Device for the Deaf

For general Internet slang/ abbreviations:

411 Information

AFAIK As far as I know
AFK Away from keyboard
AIM AOL Instant Messenger
AKA Also known as
AOL America Online
ASAP As soon as possible
A.S.L. Age, sex, location

b/c Because
B/W Between
b4 Before
BBIAB Be back in a bit
BBL Be back later
BCC Blind carbon copy
bf Boyfriend
BFF Best friends forever
BFN Bye for now
BOT Back on topic
BRB Be right back
BTW By the way

CC Carbon copy
CTN Can't talk now
cya See ya
CYE Check your e-mail

DIY Do it yourself
dl Download

ETA Estimated time of arrival
eta edited to add

f Female
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FB Facebook
FUBAR Fouled up beyond all recognition
FWIW For what it's worth
FYI For your information

GB Goodbye
gb Gigabyte
gf Girlfriend
GG Good game
GJ Good job
GL Good luck
gr8 Great
GTG Got to go


HOAS Hold on a second
HTH Hope this helps
hw Homework

IAC In any case
IC I see
IDK I don't know
IIRC If I remember correctly
IM Instant Message
IMO In my opinion
IRT In regards to

J/K Just kidding

KB kilobyte

L8 Late
L8R Later
LMAO Laughing my a** off
LMK Let me know
LOL Laughing out loud
LQTM Laughing quietly to myself

m Male
MMB Message me back
MO Modus Operandi (mode of operating aka "the way you/they work" or "the way you/they do things")
msg Message
MYOB Mind your own business

N/A Not Available
NC No comment
ne1 Anyone
NM Not much
NP No problem
NTN No thanks needed

OMG Oh my gosh
OT Off topic

PHAT Pretty hot and tempting
PIR People in room
PK Player Killing
pls Please
POS Parent over shoulder
ppl People

RE Regarding
ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
RPG Role Playing Game
RSVP Répondez s'il vous plaît (French for "Respond Please")
RTFM Read the flippin' manual

SOS Someone over shoulder (another person is watching what both parties are typing/signing etc)
sup What's up

TBA To be announced
TBC To be continued
TBD To be determined
TC Take care
thx Thanks
TIA Thanks in advance
TISNF That is so not fair
TLC Tender love and care
TMI Too much information
TTFN Ta-ta for now
TTYL Talk to you later
txt Text
TY Thank you

U2 You too
ur Your

VM Voicemail

W/ With
w/e Whatever
w/o Without
W8 Wait
WB Write back

XOXO Hugs and kisses

Y Why
YW You're welcome

ZZZ Sleeping

Hope that helps a bit?
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Wow Anji... That was crazy! And WAY helpful. Thankyou so much. I may never have another question again. LOL
Happy to help - I compiled them from a few different sites and figured it my be helpful to just post the huge list for anyone who's interested so they can highlight & copy it for their records :)