Abandoned St Gerald's Hospital in Birmingtonham

Kinda creepy, not to mention the hazmat.

Interesting though. Thanks for sharing.
I have often wondered about furnishings left when these kind of places close. I seems to me at the time of closure there would be other places that would welcome these to use. Sure they are out dated now but at the time the place was closed?
where i lived in east london(king Gerorge v hospital)they demoloshed it and left the dead peoples trolly near main road small kids were playing on them..the hospital became housing estate and a house was built right over the morgue,no one had heart to tell them..
Like Reba, very interesting, but creepy! Cannot believe they left stuff like that behind, especially syringes, etc.
Here is a similar but different one from Athens, Ohio. This site does not show the old buildings inside before the refurbishment. I could not find that site still it is good. Sort of. The Ridges - Athens Mental Health Center

The good old days were not so good for the mentally ill. I had a lovely aunt, my Aunt Vera, who was lobotomized back then in the early 1950's. Things were not so good for women then either.

A husband could check his depressed wife in here and voila' a new wife., docile and changed forever.
My Aunt never made it home from her brush with what was modern medicine of the day. I still remember looking into her sweet sweet blue eyes so kind and moist and her innocent smile of a child in her wheelchair at the Home she spent the rest of her life at.
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