A roller coaster ride!


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Jun 4, 2004
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It seems that the temperatures have been unstable, they are going up and down a lot. On Sunday it was very warm 85 degrees, now today it's high of 56 degrees and it was 47 degrees this morning. Currently it's 51 degrees. I wonder what's wrong with the weather. I don't remember seeing that much extreme changes in temperature in a larger span. Except that in Utah, it was hot 92 degrees and dropped to 58 degrees in 1 hour after a heavy thunderstorm.
Same here! Last week it was HOT and now this week is cool with some rain, cloudy etc. Tomorrow it should be around 82 or something. It go up and down for like a week or something. NUT!!!
It seems that the temperatures have been unstable, they are going up and down a lot. On Sunday it was very warm 85 degrees, now today it's high of 56 degrees and it was 47 degrees this morning. Currently it's 51 degrees. I wonder what's wrong with the weather. I don't remember seeing that much extreme changes in temperature in a larger span. Except that in Utah, it was hot 92 degrees and dropped to 58 degrees in 1 hour after a heavy thunderstorm.
Same here! Last week it was HOT and now this week is cool with some rain, cloudy etc. Tomorrow it should be around 82 or something. It go up and down for like a week or something. NUT!!!

Yeah, it is pretty nutty weather. I think this Earth needs a doctor.
here it's been 80 to 90 all week. then the occasional thunderstorm *whimper*

I don't know, but i think Earth needs a doctor.. cuz she can't make up her mind LOL
you're too funny DHB!

Guess the Earth got hormones issue and may be going though Menopause!
I guess your're right, though New Englanders are always having a change in weather. The saying for our area is, "If you don't like the weather, just wait a minute."

That's true.
cute garfield laughing. heheh. I suppose if people do not like the crazy roller coaster weather. maybe we should move to.....the tropics like hawaii or south florida.

pretty much the only places with stable temps.
Sequoias, if you move to say florida, then you have to worry about hurricanes. I was dying when it was 85 here, but right now i'm very comfortable with the 53 it is here across the sound.
I was being scarastic, dude. if u read carefully, ull know I'm joking. heh
yeah, here in ohio the same. last week 90s, and last night 40s and day high 50s and today is perfect 69 then tmw will be yucky, 90s, then back to beautiful temp again 60s and 70s again. Its been see saw temp here also.
Hahaha, you guys; same here in So Ca, we are experiencing the fickleness of Mother Nature but I am enjoying the unusual coolness....
The last couple of days were June gloom. Today's nice the sun came out and cool air.
No kidding, The weather has been going up and down like crazy. It was like 54 this morning, 93 in the afternoon and now it's 84 degrees. Ugh, don't get me started on the humidity. I'm jealous of those people who lives in the west coast not having to deal with the humidity! :giggle:

Is Mother Nature on something or what?