A real Cat Burglar?! (the 4 legged kind )


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May 1, 2003
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This gives the meaning "Cat Burglar" a real definition!

Keep an eye on ur cats never know if there is a budding burlgar! :lol:

This Cat Burglar Is Really a Cat
Thu Jul 24, 8:17 AM ET Add AP - Feature Stories to My Yahoo!

SIMI VALLEY, Calif. - A cat burglar's booty is being hoarded in a Ventura County home.

A marauding feline named Midnight — now dubbed Klepto Cat — has been sneaking off in the dark to raid neighbors' homes, garages, sheds and patios, bringing home shoes, hats, shirts, socks and even a wrapped Christmas present.

It's stressful for pet owners Richard and Sue Boyd.

"We get so embarrassed by this," Sue Boyd said. "We wake up in the morning and go out and there's stuff under the truck. The cat leaves things all over. We don't want these things."

"He's a klepto cat," her husband said.

Each day, Midnight's owners leave a bag with the purloined goods hanging from their mailbox so neighbors can reclaim missing items.

It is unclear why Midnight prefers wearables.

Gary Sampson, an Indianapolis-based veterinarian who specializes in cat behavior, said the 13-year-old cat is probably drawn to body odors.

"He's obviously a hunter," Sampson said. "He's doing this at night. This is when they can get prey. It's just an extension of that."

Police Sgt. Paul Fitzpatrick said there isn't anything the police could do about Midnight's crimes, except refer the complaint to animal control

cat burglar is really a cat!
HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG! CAT REALLY HAS A KELPTO LMAO LMAO AT least the cat isn t doing anyting harmful to cause more embarrassment! and the owners of that cat is giving it back to the rightful owners but dang sure takes a real meaning of cat burglar LMAO LMAO!
aww cat???? I know most cats are true sneeky. just happen by surprise!!!
Cool. I have a cat almost like this one. She steals my t-shirts from my drawer under my waterbed at night all the time. I kept looking for them almost every morning. LOL (She goes outside too.)
same thing as dogs, they always like body odor too.. my dog steals my socks and put under the bed.. even my dog like to steal tampons or pads :o
Originally posted by javapride
HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG! CAT REALLY HAS A KELPTO LMAO LMAO AT least the cat isn t doing anyting harmful to cause more embarrassment! and the owners of that cat is giving it back to the rightful owners but dang sure takes a real meaning of cat burglar LMAO LMAO!

:rofl: an actual cat burglar!! Hehehe...that's funny and it's a good spirit lifter though. ;)
Cats are known to do a lot of funny and strange antics that keeps lots of families and owners well entertained.