A person's views on VRI (interesting infos!)

It will become very common and it is going to be cost effective in long run, and of course saves time too. That is why I believe VRI is coming around the corner! Plus it is more environment friendly, terp don't have to drive across the town, or even worse state, spend on gas going up in the air.
Oh, wow... that's amazin' !! I've noticed there's more and more advanced technology to help deaf people nowdays. Wow ! I think that's great tool for all deaf people in the USA. :thumb:
US Postal Service too will get VRI this year (nationwide) for deaf employees to use. We had problem with some interpreter got lost and showed up late or never show. VRI are way to go cuz it's faster and right on the spot 24/7. Denver PO have tested VRI and many deaf love it cuz they can communicate w/ their supervisor using VRI.
Thats not new to me as I had been using with VRI for many years. Its the same as video conferencing equipment that can be found in boardrooms or other places that top level executives have access to. I worked for IBM in Australia and they had provided access to EVERY employee and I had mine programmed to call VRI service. The speed, quality and encryption technologies are way ahead from VP/Wecam (VRS)


So there is a new company coming on board with a nationwide hospital and together they are trying to INCREASE the QUALITY of interpreting services to Deaf individuals in their care.

Across the US this hospital is finding that they have a low rate of success in actually finding an interpreter in the middle of the night for 911 types of things.

The interpreters have kids and can't leave them in the middle of the night, gas prices are high and some interpreters can't afford the long drive, and sometimes there just aren't any interpreters close to some of the locations.

Either way there is a problem and we NEED YOUR HELP !!

The hospital has raised the pay to increase interpreter's ability to show up. They have also staffed some places with full time interpreters. These two options have helped SOME but now they are turning to places like HOURS and SORENSEN trying to get Video Remote Interpreting.

The hospital is planning on using video while the interpreter is on their way, or while the agency is making calls trying to locate someone.

This WOULD NOT be an alternative to your regularly scheduled appt, but simply a temporary fix in crisis situations.

The hospital understands that if you're lying face down during back surgery its just silly to think that a video interpreter is the right solution, but they know that when someone is in the waiting room and they need to communicate with them, that this could be the only way to do so.

The hospital realizes that without an interpreter, they make mistakes and get misinformation about your medical history, current condition, treatment options, allergies, and other life-and-death information.

The hospital is planning on going to Deaf community events to announce the installation of VRI but they want feedback from the Deaf community FIRST.

Have you used VRI? If so, what did you like/dislike?

Was it helpful?

What would you recommend?

Do you think this is a good idea?

Would you use VRI if it was there?