A lost deafy in Atlanta


New Member
Apr 16, 2014
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I am severely hard of hearing since birth. I barely had any contact with the Deaf Community. I was raised on a dairy farm on the skirt of a small town. I do not know sign language. I mostly rely on my hearing aids, lip reading, and texts via cell phone to communicate. I do speak a distorted English that I self-named Paulish.

I am a 43 yrs old single female who has been actively in indie film projects in Atlanta area the last 3 years. I do mostly production assistant type of roles. Although I am socially active, I still feel alone due to the deafness.

I am seeking to make deaf friends.
I am HoH and I use ASL as my wife is Deaf. I grew up in a rural area in Florida ( my neighbor had a cattle ranch). I have lived in the Atlanta area since the 7th grade and I know a number of Deaf Atlantans.
Howdy, I'm a fellow atlantan, well north atlantan and do not sign as well; I rely on lipreading and hearing aids. Welcome to the forum!

As for socializing there are several deaf churches as well as an a.g. bell chapter. I used to participate in them but I just didn't enjoy them because there wasn't anyone I had much in common with other than deafness. I've made more friends through motorcycling instead.
Howdy, I'm a fellow atlantan, well north atlantan and do not sign as well; I rely on lipreading and hearing aids. Welcome to the forum!

As for socializing there are several deaf churches as well as an a.g. bell chapter. I used to participate in them but I just didn't enjoy them because there wasn't anyone I had much in common with other than deafness. I've made more friends through motorcycling instead.

AG Bell? I know you mean well, but she's already experianced being HOH in a hearing world.......I never understood that about the oral deaf approach anyway.......the goal of oral deaf is for dhh kids to assimluate into the hearing world.....if they assimulate into the hearing world,then they wouldn't NEED a support group such as AG Bell........It would be interesting to meet other dhh adults...If I were her, I'd take the plunge and get involved with learning ASL and Deaf culture......Many people who Sign ALSO speak (especially with AASD accepting moderate loss kids)
i am from Atlanta and know some places every month of the first saturday all the deaf kids would get together at the Georgia Mall thats up in Gwinnett County and i know there are Deaf day at Six Flags i will have to ask my friends to see when it is on facebook but thats the two i know of