A funny story about Circumcised/Uncircumcised


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May 20, 2003
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I have a funny story.. One of my 2 friends who are bestfreinds went to college. I will make up two names.. Kelly and Ann.. Kelly have a boyfriend who is uncircumcised and Ann told Kelly how can she be with him. Kelly told him, its the love and she didnt care. One night, Ann went out with a guy and liked him so much, she went bed with him that night. First thing she saw his private area and was thrilled finding he was circumcised. In the morning she ran to Kelly and bragged telling her he is circumcised! Kelly just rolled her eyes.. Few days later, Ann slept again with her new boyfriend and discovered herself very wrong and she was shocked to find her boyfriend is uncircumcised while he wasnt having an erect. She freaked out and was speechless. She ran up to Kelly and told her GUESS WHAT! He is U N C I R M C I S E D !!! Kelly smiled and told her.. SEE!! you got punished!! Ann realized its the love and did not care anymore. :sure:

From there when I heard about some girls experience talking about how gross uncirmcumised was and I had no clue. Til I was with a guy who is circumcised, I hád no problem with it as now I am with new boyfriend, OH MY GOD he is uncircumcised. It is really NEW to me and I realized I LOVE IT!! I find myself attractive to it and it is more fun and exciting for me! I love playing with the foreskin and everything!!

So it doesnt matter! At least the guy knows how to perform sex! haha!

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