A follower of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Drivers licence...

I used to have a FSM sticker on the bumper of my last car! I wouldn't put it on this one because my car is too new and I don't want to ruin the paint or anything... but I thought it was just funny! It's not meant to be anything serious, people need to relax, heesh! :roll:
When I lived in Colorado one time I went to the DMV and they made me take my glasses off for the picture. I couldn't figure out why considering the glasses stay on my face all day except when sleeping or showering.. so unless I'm driving while sleeping or taking a shower it made no sense to me. The case in SC is sort of like that- that's how the kid presents all the time from what I see and said he was still male. Wonder if the colander wearing guy will always have his hat on lol.

Still have that picture too lol.