A face paint warning has been issues

Its also possible that the FDA has regs for this but its not being enforced for one reason or another....I read something somewhere along that line........
I hope other countries take this on bord.Going tell my son not face paint
yes, I'm not surprised - I may be doing something fun with Halloween-type thing and was looking at costumes and accessories at the local Goodwill and they had face paints and make up kits like that "Zombie" person in the article is wearing. Because I have so many topical/environmental allergies or sensitivities, I looked at the back to see if there was an ingredients label for the face paints and saw it was, and it listed all these artificial colors and other things, and had warnings about not having it near or on mouth, eyes... I thought - I'm not gonna put this on my face and have a huge face breakout or some other reaction where I have to go to the hospital or something! I didn't get any.
I had always wonder how safe it was to let our kids their painted at festivals and fairs , you had no idea if some kid had ringworms or some other skin condition that contagious . Or how clean the paint is .
Never thought about that... it's kinda like all those things we used to do that kids don't do now, or have changed....

we didn't use sunscreen, I remember my friends actually have somewhat of a competition to see who could get the "darkest" or most even sun-tanning.
I wasn't interested in sitting in the sun as a kid and actually kinda thought it was silly, though all my friends loved to sit out in the sun.

I did love to go running around in our alley and through other areas in our urban neighborhood- barefoot.