A.distracting terp?


New Member
Sep 14, 2012
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Hello all! Long time lurker here with a question! :wave:
If you had an interpreter that dressed differently due to religious reasons (specifically a Muslim woman wearing a head scarf/hijab) would this be distracting to you and/or would you be less likely to use that interpreter again?
I am considering becoming an interpreter and I would love to do so but I don't want to invest in schooling and training if I would be a distraction or annoyance to clients. :aw:
It would be fine with me. The main thing is the interpreter and his/her signs. I don't care what they are or what they dress. I am happy to have an interpreter and appreciate it.

I have a feeling majority of the people feel the same way.
If the face is covered, that would be a problem.......
Hijabs don't cover the face. They don't bother me in the least when someone wears one and signs to me. My pharmacist is Muslim and wears a hijab and she signs, it's absolutely fine. I would go ahead and become an interpreter if you want to be one.

Of course, you could always wear your hijab like this! [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhOGM2rdqKI[/ame]
Hijabs don't cover the face. They don't bother me in the least when someone wears one and signs to me. My pharmacist is Muslim and wears a hijab and she signs, it's absolutely fine. I would go ahead and become an interpreter if you want to be one.

Of course, you could always wear your hijab like this! Princess Leia Hijab Tutorial - YouTube

You're right, the niqab is the name for the garment that covers the face. Definitely wouldn't try wearing that whole signing. :lol:

That's really interesting! Generally speaking, there's a really severe lack of people who know how to sign in the Muslim community so I wonder how she learned.

:laugh2: I think it takes a really special person to rock a hijab like that. I'm afraid I don't qualify.

On another note, really glad to see all the positive responses. I was worried it would be a problem as silly as that sounds. Thanks for ask the input!
All I care would be that the interpreter dresses professionally. If the interpreter is a lady, I wouldn't want to see so many jewelry such as rings on nearly every hand or even bright colored nail polish (imagine an interpreter wearing neon yellow nail polish!).
All I care would be that the interpreter dresses professionally. If the interpreter is a lady, I wouldn't want to see so many jewelry such as rings on nearly every hand or even bright colored nail polish (imagine an interpreter wearing neon yellow nail polish!).

I agree! Neon nail polish looks pretty unprofessional for anybody I think. Especially with the really long, fake nails. :ugh:
To each their own... you're going to always have one jerk out there who won't use you because of how you dress, your race, beliefs or whatever... However, there are more than enough open minded people who believe in equality for you to not even notice. :) There's always one jerk out there who will always have a problem with something. Screw those people anyway, you don't need them. :P