70,000 Beer cans in the house?!

Holy mackeral! That is really insane. :crazy: At first I thought it was just a prank, but it turned out it wasn't. At least he cleaned up after himself and got his job back.
Only $800!?

If he was here, he would get $3,500 for 70,000 cans.
The man who lived there seems to be back on his feet. We spoke to him today and he says he's completely stopped drinking. He was welcomed back to his old job a few months ago, and his co-workers speak highly of him.

That is always good news. Drinking beer should not affect your life and for some people, if it does then get some help with drinking and that is always hard but a good first step to taking back your own life.
VamPyroX said:
Only $800!?

If he was here, he would get $3,500 for 70,000 cans.
it was cleaned up last year. and last year for here in minnesota.. the can recycle profit is 35 cents per pound for crushed cans... now this year its 73 cents per pound.
guess it varies in state to state heh.

i can't even believe that many.. gosh *thud*
yea huge stinks btw he should have get refund $ from beer.. Why can't he ?

If suppose I were him.. I would run and take whole beer empty cans.. send it away to beer store and get refund money goes to saving account for my house down pymt.. :D
DeafSCUBA98 said:
it was cleaned up last year. and last year for here in minnesota.. the can recycle profit is 35 cents per pound for crushed cans... now this year its 73 cents per pound.
guess it varies in state to state heh.

i can't even believe that many.. gosh *thud*

you get paid shit for cans in MN...I know, cause I've tried recycling cans to get money...could only get like $2 for like 6 or 7 big trash bags........ugh. I have given up on it.
This house must be stink, smell of beers around the house, and perhaps ants roaming free around the beer cans eewwww!!
Holy Smokey! I don't know how anyone could live like that, how could he be able to walk through the house with that many beer cans? I cannot believe it. This guy must been a beer can collector. ;)
LuciaDisturbed said:
you get paid shit for cans in MN...I know, cause I've tried recycling cans to get money...could only get like $2 for like 6 or 7 big trash bags........ugh. I have given up on it.

What does Texas charge for the cans ? I forgot what it was ?
Heath said:
What does Texas charge for the cans ? I forgot what it was ?

CT, NH,, ME, and MA - 5 cent a bottle or can. I don't know about RI and NH. Funny, bottled water don't have any reund in few states....I am not sure I was told that goverment or state has been talking about put 5 cent refund on bottled water.
Hmm...maybe not only did the guy have a 'drinking' problem or whatever, but apparently this was one of his ways to show that 'Coors Lite' rules?! :lol:

70,000 beer cans in the house,
70,000 cans of beer,
Take one out, pass it around, 69,999 beer cans in the house.
69,999 beer cans in the house,
69,999 cans of beer,
Take one out, pass it around, 69,998 beer cans in the house...
MaxUFC said:
CT, NH,, ME, and MA - 5 cent a bottle or can. I don't know about RI and NH. Funny, bottled water don't have any reund in few states....I am not sure I was told that goverment or state has been talking about put 5 cent refund on bottled water.
but from what i heard.. u have to pay the 5 cents deposit then u get the 5 cents back.. its not like u're making profit. correct me if i'm wrong u guys!

i'm aware if u want to buy automotive batteries here in minnesota u have to pay $5 deposit and u'll get $5 refund when u give the old battery back.