6 months quarantine ( for cats)

Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Unfortunately, My cat is the one of those 6 months quarantine. It has been 4 months SO far. She looks the same, and still eating well, very active and affective. She may be free less than 6 months so one month left to go. :crossedfingers
I did not expect that Bat was in our house. *oh no* She was chasing, and trying to bite or scratch the bat. The tiny bat and the cat opened their mouth and staring and hissing at each other. For one secnd, I could not tell which one is mine. :lol: Both of them are BLACK but obviously, my kitty is bigger than the bat. I never saw her being bitten by a bat or she bit the bat but they were too close face to face. I made another mistake that I set the bat free. I should had kept the bat and would know if bat had rabies or not.
The worse thing is that she was late for a rabies shot, only couple of months later. The Vet had to follow the rule so they called the health dept about it. The health dept gave me the three choices.
One, place her to the animal hospital for 6 months
two, lock her in the cage in my house.
third, Put her down.

Of course I was very upset and could not able to make decision on those choices all night then the next morning. My hubby suggested if i can ask the health dept if i can make my kitty to stay in the room without a cage. Luckily, The health dep approved that my kitty can stay in the room. I kicked my son out of the play room where the vidoe games were and had put my kitty there. She has been there for 4 months so far. I pray hard that she is still FINE until 6 months but hope she may be free less than 6 months. According to my health dept stated that if she gets another rabies shot then may be free less than 6 months.

so anyone of you ever had experience like this.. It has been a HECTIC experience for me. I feed cats separately and the litterbox separately. I cant wait all of this nigthmare to be over soon!
It's a good news, as health dept said that she can see VET on wednesday for the exams. If all is good with my kitty then her status as a dangerous will be removed after wednesday. Health dept said that my kitty can get out of the room today. YAY!!!!
It's a good news, as health dept said that she can see VET on wednesday for the exams. If all is good with my kitty then her status as a dangerous will be removed after wednesday. Health dept said that my kitty can get out of the room today. YAY!!!!

Good news! I am happy for your cat!

But the initial post has now made me really paranoid about bats getting in the house. :P
Yes. I learned the HARD lesson. I ll have furkids to get rabies shot every year according to the Vet law. ALSO, if bat gets in your house, trap the BAT and have the health dept to come over, and get it tested. It will save our time to know if bat has rabies or not. I know i dont like the idea of seeing bat being killed for a test if bat have rabies or not. :( That is sad.
Yes. I learned the HARD lesson. I ll have furkids to get rabies shot every year according to the Vet law. ALSO, if bat gets in your house, trap the BAT and have the health dept to come over, and get it tested. It will save our time to know if bat has rabies or not. I know i dont like the idea of seeing bat being killed for a test if bat have rabies or not. :( That is sad.
I thought they do a simple blood test for that? I know when they eutisize cats/dogs they send the heads off to be tested??? But live animals I think is a simple blood test if i am correct. Plus some species of bats are protected, therefore must be released ( if they dont have rabies ) otherwise they are put down.
Yes. I learned the HARD lesson. I ll have furkids to get rabies shot every year according to the Vet law. ALSO, if bat gets in your house, trap the BAT and have the health dept to come over, and get it tested. It will save our time to know if bat has rabies or not. I know i dont like the idea of seeing bat being killed for a test if bat have rabies or not. :( That is sad.

That is sad , why can't they just get some blood and run a test on that ? I was not able to find a link that said how they a bat for rabies. We're losing so many bats and that awful to kill one any more. :(
My kitty stubbornly stays in the room with the opened door. Lol. She looked confused. I'm sure that she ll come out on her own pace time.
One thing occurs to me. When people get bitten by a rabid animal they can get a series of shots and don't get rabies.

I wonder why they don't have that for animals.
My kitty stubbornly stays in the room with the opened door. Lol. She looked confused. I'm sure that she ll come out on her own pace time.
She will, Just like when I moved back to my parents years ago and asked to eat anything out of the fridge or pantry first...lol

My dad finally said to me, That food is in there to eat, not to look at. lol
Aww, your kitty will enjoy the huge space after being confirned into a small room.
Good news! I am happy for your cat!

But the initial post has now made me really paranoid about bats getting in the house. :P

bat flew into my son house scared life out of him:).(we don't have rabid bats)bat who fly into house would be sick or old bat where ever it came from
glad kitty ok
Thank you. She ran all over the house ups and down all night then early am I called her. She came!!! She slept with me for a short time then I got up. I fed cats then she hang out around the house for a while. She went straight to our bedroom and sleep on my blanket. Ha.
do many people and pe ts get rabis?

In Iowa, at least two people died of rabies in the last few year because they were bitten by rabid bats while sleeping and didn't know it until too late.
In Iowa, at least two people died of rabies in the last few year because they were bitten by rabid bats while sleeping and didn't know it until too late.

not good..we free of it but E,U and illegals may get it bc not sure if animals got free passport to uk or still 6month quartine
She saw Vet. I got an email that Health dept just closed the case and took off her quarantine. :fruit: I am so happppy!!!!
Aw, so happy that your kitty gets to get out now! What a long time. Give her a hug for me. :)