5 Biggest Mistakes Cat Owners Make :(

Most should be common sense, but what about changing the water bowls and cleaning the dinner bowls? Why don't people clean the bowls, give them fresh water and clean the litter box....as needed. I'm always disgusted how people use the least amount of litter - plastic underneath, and never actually have litter for the cat, much less clean it as needed. You have to wonder about people and feel sorry for the animals.

True...one of my sons and his g/f had a Cat...and it was my son's job to change the liter...he did, 1x a week....:shock:...and complained it still smelled (and it did)....He never washed out the liter box (it was plastic), so the ammonia smell was terrible...

If anyone knows a trick to make a cat stop using the furniture for a scratching post, please let me know....we have 2...but she still scratches on my La-Z-Boy chair....(most likely at night whlle we are sleeping)...I'm at my wits end here...someone said something about "rubber tips for their nails??"....I am reluctant to get a new rocker recliner....until I can get this nipped in the bud...Thanks!
True...one of my sons and his g/f had a Cat...and it was my son's job to change the liter...he did, 1x a week....:shock:...and complained it still smelled (and it did)....He never washed out the liter box (it was plastic), so the ammonia smell was terrible...

If anyone knows a trick to make a cat stop using the furniture for a scratching post, please let me know....we have 2...but she still scratches on my La-Z-Boy chair....(most likely at night whlle we are sleeping)...I'm at my wits end here...someone said something about "rubber tips for their nails??"....I am reluctant to get a new rocker recliner....until I can get this nipped in the bud...Thanks!

Sprinkle some catnip (as needed) on a clawing board, place in a shallow box and watch! :P Used a scratching post once, cat didn't like using it except to perch on, funny how inexpensive things work better!
How can someone "forget" to clean the cat litter? I would think your nose would remember.

We've had several kitties over the years. I practically followed them into the litter box with my scooper. :lol:

I kept the litter deep in the box.

It would never occur to me to use human or dog stuff for cats.

Never had a fat cat.
My daughter's cats seem to like the scratching pads that are made of replaceable corrugated cardboard.
How can someone "forget" to clean the cat litter? I would think your nose would remember.

We've had several kitties over the years. I practically followed them into the litter box with my scooper. :lol:

I kept the litter deep in the box.

It would never occur to me to use human or dog stuff for cats.

Never had a fat cat.

I had 2 cats and you could never smell the cat box. I cleaned the poop out right way too. I hate smelling poop but I love cats. Cats are very clean animals and hate using dirty littler boxes.
They are clean. They keep themselves clean unlike Dogs you gotta wash them
True...one of my sons and his g/f had a Cat...and it was my son's job to change the liter...he did, 1x a week....:shock:...and complained it still smelled (and it did)....He never washed out the liter box (it was plastic), so the ammonia smell was terrible...

If anyone knows a trick to make a cat stop using the furniture for a scratching post, please let me know....we have 2...but she still scratches on my La-Z-Boy chair....(most likely at night whlle we are sleeping)...I'm at my wits end here...someone said something about "rubber tips for their nails??"....I am reluctant to get a new rocker recliner....until I can get this nipped in the bud...Thanks!
I knew someone who tried these (or similar) on her cat as he was constantly scratching the furniture (oddly he didn't do much to my couch...).
He didn't like them a whole lot. They also tended to fall off and cats can figure out how to get them off.
