48,000 Watts!?


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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I have seen 10k watts system before, this dude I know has it. He had to pour cement in his door so it wont get blown off.
My favorite quote from this article is...

"the force of the sound waves would liquefy your bowels, and you would die in a puddle of your own diarrhea."

OMG! Imagine parking this thing in front of Tower A (Ellingson Hall) at RIT with the back facing the front of the dorm. Then, open the back doors and let her rip! BLAST... shattering every window on the front side!
isn't that alittle dangerous...? sometimes with tons of watts that is over powered, it could explode or whatever...
Originally posted by Steel
isn't that alittle dangerous...? sometimes with tons of watts that is over powered, it could explode or whatever...

anything above 1,000 watts are dangerous, even for deaf people too.

NOT for me LOL -- id soon get outta there and FAST LOL -- silence is GOLDEN and i love that!!!!! that sounds pretty :crazy: to do! i have a stereo/CD player in my car and its ALWAYS kept off
Originally posted by Steel
isn't that alittle dangerous...? sometimes with tons of watts that is over powered, it could explode or whatever...
Yes, it's dangerous. That's why it must be done properly. You can have 5,000 watts if you used five 1,000-watt amps and speakers that total up to 5,000 watts. There are many ways of doing it. I'm sure that if it was a 45,000-watt speaker, it would kill you just by standing in front of it!
I'm sure that this woman will come back a few years later with something that will max out at 100,000 watts! If that happens, I'll go to watch the action! That would be something that could cause any resident on the 12th floor of Tower A (Ellingson Hall) to feel vibrations. Or... it would just end up being a sound bomb... enough to break every window within 100 yards, make everyone deaf within 75 yards, and liquify their shit within 50 yards!
:eek: no way I will be near something like that like stephy said i agree with her post :thumb:
oh ummmmm what so damn good suggest for every deaf community to set it up overall of their community to sweep over and take over as DEAF POWER !!! lol JK
If I set up a 100,000-watt system for a big get-together at NTID, would you come?

My friend who have a couple of speaker under the seat and BOOM BOOM .. where I sat on it ... know what it feels like? :eek:
48k watts and over 175db that's really makes for a lot of fucked up physics on speed of sound and wavelenths. and way much better than atomic bomb.

If Einstein was still alive he would throw the E=mc2 outa the window and figure out how to make good use outa of that damn loud stereo as alternative to the atomic bomb
Originally posted by sablescort
48k watts and over 175db that's really makes for a lot of fucked up physics on speed of sound and wavelenths. and way much better than atomic bomb.

If Einstein was still alive he would throw the E=mc2 outa the window and figure out how to make good use outa of that damn loud stereo as alternative to the atomic bomb
Hmm... I never thought of that! Imagine if that was actually used in Hiroshima!? Instead of killing everyone, Japan becomes a deaf country!
Originally posted by VamPyroX
Hmm... I never thought of that! Imagine if that was actually used in Hiroshima!? Instead of killing everyone, Japan becomes a deaf country!

Neato! Let's target Washington, DC! :D