301? (Harry Potter 3 DVD owners, please read this!)


Premium Member
Mar 12, 2003
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On my copy of the latest Harry Potter film, I came to notice something with my copy. I get the feeling that it's not just my copy because it look like it was burnt onto the print itself.

Once you reach 17:37 into the movie, for a couple frames... you see the number 301 just a bit to the right under the Sirius Black poster. Anybody noticed this? I wonder why it was even put there in the first place. Maybe something to do with piracy? Still, it's districting and unnecessary.

Did anybody notice this?
I didn't buy the DVD yet but maybe that was 'Easter Egg' feature?
Magatsu said:
I didn't buy the DVD yet but maybe that was 'Easter Egg' feature?

Can't be. It's during the movie, the number 301 appear for only a couple frames. If you weren't paying attention, you may not notice it. But after multiple viewings, I caught it.
Okay, I will find out on Tues, that when I will pick up Spider-man 2 DVD (Release on this Tues) and Harry Potter 3 at same time.
I didn't notice this...but will check for it next time I see HP:Azkaban.

Great flick, though...regardless of unnecessary numbers. ;)
Interesting, I just found out that on the Region 2 DVD edition, it is 302 instead of 301. Apparently, this is an anti-piracy symbol or something. That may mean in different regions, like if it was Region 4, it'll be 304 while it'll be 306 on Region 6 DVDs.

Apparently. Still, I don't like it.
I don't understand what you talk about? Show me what your picture and what you saw? I don't understand what you mean?
Banjo said:
On my copy of the latest Harry Potter film, I came to notice something with my copy. I get the feeling that it's not just my copy because it look like it was burnt onto the print itself.

Once you reach 17:37 into the movie, for a couple frames... you see the number 301 just a bit to the right under the Sirius Black poster. Anybody noticed this? I wonder why it was even put there in the first place. Maybe something to do with piracy? Still, it's districting and unnecessary.

Did anybody notice this?
I bought the DVD and watched the poster scene... there isn't any 301 - 306. I rerun few times but there isn't any.

The picture with the number 301 is attached to this post, check it out! It's right under the Sirius Black poster. I captured this on my computer.

To be more accurate, this happen during 17:36, not 17:37. Pardon the typo. :)


  • HarryPotter.jpg
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Banjo said:
The picture with the number 301 is attached to this post, check it out! It's right under the Sirius Black poster. I captured this on my computer.

To be more accurate, this happen during 17:36, not 17:37. Pardon the typo. :)
I finally gotcha what you mean. In my DVD, it shows '300' in 17:37.

Picture from my digital camera attached:


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300... weird. Hmm, I wonder why since mine is 301 and we're both in the same region. Maybe we'll find out more about this mystery numbers shortly.
Out of curious, what kind of screen did you bought? I mean, fullscreen or widescreen?
Magatsu said:
Out of curious, what kind of screen did you bought? I mean, fullscreen or widescreen?

Widescreen. I prefer movies in their original scopes, as of the original theatrical exhibition.
Ditto and I didn't realize that I got wrong one. I picked fullscreen (hence why I refused to watch today).. I will exchange the DVD tomorrow... I wonder if does fullscreen gives different number beside 301 - 306? That's my only guess about '300'.

Well, I will find out tomorrow.
Magatsu said:
Ditto and I didn't realize that I got wrong one. I picked fullscreen (hence why I refused to watch today).. I will exchange the DVD tomorrow... I wonder if does fullscreen gives different number beside 301 - 306? That's my only guess about '300'.

Well, I will find out tomorrow.

I've heard of people finding 302 and 304 so far, but not 305 and 306 yet. But I have heard that the British owners found the same thing on their DVDs.

I wish they would stop selling full screen and sell movies in their original aspects only. That way, people can jump onto the bandwagon to the widescreen TV era faster. Though, there are some movies originally filmed in full screen, most of the movies before the 50s were full screen till they started to bring out more scopes.

I believe I posted a thread on aspect ratios somewhere on this forum, I'll search for it.
Banjo said:
Ah yes, I believe I read that somewhere from DVD Demystified book or site... I studied the DVD stuffs sometimes ago, maybe.. three years ago or something. That's how and what influence me to pick widescreen over fullscreen anytime. my mom complained about black letterbox and I tried to explain but she seem couldn't catch that.. but she start to give in and watch the 'widescreen' movies that I bought without complaints.

http://www.dvddemystified.com/ -- that's one.
Yeah, that is why Widescreen. But, I don't like this widescreen. I don't know why? But, my favorite use fullscreen is easier for me. I like that.
Banjo said:
On my copy of the latest Harry Potter film, I came to notice something with my copy. I get the feeling that it's not just my copy because it look like it was burnt onto the print itself.

Once you reach 17:37 into the movie, for a couple frames... you see the number 301 just a bit to the right under the Sirius Black poster. Anybody noticed this? I wonder why it was even put there in the first place. Maybe something to do with piracy? Still, it's districting and unnecessary.

Did anybody notice this?
Okay, Nas and I finally got around and exchanged the DVD to widescreen. It is not 300 anymore, it is now 301 in 17:37. Interesting... with 'fullscreen', it shows '300' but with widescreen, it shows '301'.
Magatsu said:
Okay, Nas and I finally got around and exchanged the DVD to widescreen. It is not 300 anymore, it is now 301 in 17:37. Interesting... with 'fullscreen', it shows '300' but with widescreen, it shows '301'.

Interesting, I'll like to know why they did this and what their intentions are. So far, I think it's a way of detecting pirated DVDs. But it hasn't been confirmed or anything.