27 years late....but I finally accepted it.


New Member
Mar 2, 2013
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Its a long story... but to be short, 1985 I was 5 and some giant of a man decided that keeping his beer from spilling was important enough to push a child out of the way....in doing so caused said child to plummit 70+ feet head first conrete...shattered skull..sinuses... bacterial menengitis. Cause and effect, im deaf.....

Im now 32... and 80% loss turned into near complete loss. I lost my job (career of 15 years) bc deaf ppl can not have CDLs apparently.

I read lips... no asl yet.. and im working with vocational rehab to get through this and hopefully find some normality in this. Im in a relationship with a hearing person and its hard on her even though she is a registered nurse and trained in therapy.

I don't know what to expect from joining.... but I can tell you this truthfully, the seperation of the hearing world and non hearing world with terms like "deaf community"scares me.ive worked my whole life to remain normal....even working 300% harder to just fit in. And ive been told that accepting it and moving to the deaf (ASL and no more voice) will hurt my relationships with the ppl who are in my life now. I talk clear as day phonetically and grammatically correct. But that will change.... I just want to have an ok life ... im not special or anything and my hardships don't mean im first in line for everything.

All in all i guess im trying to come to terms with he anger and frustration ....sadness and world of silence.

Sorry its so long.... thats me. HI!