2014 Nobel Peace Prize Winner

what an awful bunch of Twitter trolls
I am very happy for Malala - she really earned the prize! I read the book she wrote, which was really good, and helped me understand/realize what things Malala has been doing for female education (and other things, as well). I hope she continues on for many years to come!

bravo for her. Too bad American feminists are not applauding her for fear of offending the Muslim votes....
sadly the Taliban will kill more girls if American feminsts make to much out of it....marla lucky girl she got out and had world media on her The Taliban have stated she high on death list...little girls are killed everyday that part of the world...It be great if we could be more vocal but be condemning more little girls to death
have trolls been doing things bc I refuse to read any nasty evil stuff aimed at this wonderful young woman
In spite of the Taliban, I hope she live to a ripe old age. She is one remarkable young lady to be awarded for Nobel Prize. I am happy that she is not afraid of what would happen if the Taliban tried to kill her again. She is the voice for many young girls who want to go to school and learn how to be educated. Why are men and boys so down hard on them? That is not fair. Women and men should be equal in everything they do. Also Why are women get paid lower than men on the same jobs? That is why the American feminists want to fight back to male counterparts that we need equal pay and equal rights as human beings just like them.

One thing that bother me is why men took pleasure of abusing and killing people like we are worthless and acting like we are animals instead of human beings? This is so wrong. We need to fight back with words and stopped them for destroying us. To me, they are sick men. I hate their mindset. :mad:
boo... i missed out on the Nobel Prize...betta luck next time for me....:aw::shock: