1970's/80's child


In Hazzard County
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Nov 30, 2005
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My folks got me a set of World Book encyclopedias for my 13 birthday. I went right to the dog section:lol:

Ahhh..MTV....first time seeing "Thriller "....

sneaking notes- bullies in middle school snuck notes between them when I was stuck sitting in the middle, so I <felt like>had to pass the note. I didn't quite reach as the two of them weren't directly close enough to me, so I got up and tried to sneak slightly across the isle...another person who bullied me badly <all physical as well as verbal> reached out and put her foot in my path. I was clumsy/awkward and scared anyway and missed the foot - and my step- down I went. I also knocked off my books from my desk. So much for being discreet-
I was a 50s/60s child but I remember having all those things except the Atari and MTV.
I was never into video games but remember when my friends got Atari, I thought it was so cool cuz it was new. They were always playing Atari.
You don't go back far enough! I have a sheet with the heading of "For All Those Born Before 1945, We Are Survivors!" The photocopy doesn't have anything on it to indicate author and publication. Having been born in 1942 I do fit.

It is a bit too long to rekey here but it includes the following.

We were born before television, before penicillin, before polio shots, frozen food, Xerox, plastic contact lenses, Frisbees and the Pill.

We were born before radar, credit cards, split atoms, lazer beams and ballpoint pens, before panty-hose, dishwashers, clothes dryers, electric blankets, air conditioners, drip-dry clothes and before man walked on the moon.

It goes on about even more things including social customs and the price of things that did exist then and still do.
I born in 50's..only two tv channels,parks to play in boys making go carts girls being told they had to do cookery and needlework boys carpentry and technol drawings..smallpox vaccinations and outbreaks of smallpox occasional diphtheria(do people still get it) every winter most of class would some point home with measles or mumps.The world mostly America letting off h bombs which pissed my mother big time...ban the bomb marching...young girls not taught sex education and dreadful consequences..not having a fridge and freezers came much later...had ball points but forced use fountain pens I was ink monitor so had fill ink pots up everyday.Had use my brain to do tables and fractions..no such thing as dyslexia(many of us suffered for it)ADH did not exist we accepted some kids more rambunctious treated as individual not having some syndrome if not like other kids..coca cola tasted better fish and chips wrapped in newspaper..hospitals understood concept of hygiene they don't now....£10 go to Australia by sea..king kong was x rated and scared cr8p out of us,kissing in back seat of cinema,bacon rind still on bacon and that smoky smell of cheese and bacon when went to Sainsbury,good manners or clip round ear,stocking with seams I hated suspenders petticoats blue or green gym knickers awful thing liberty bodice and vests terry nappies and big pin.yuri garen first man in space not uncommon hear big booms of military planes breaking sound barrier....elvis and beatles when I was about 13 rock and roll which mother thought dance from the devil...so many things sitting here all nostalgic..i remember a deaf girl who went to my school her life was hell she was taken out sent to school special needs school and treated by education authority using words of the time retarded she was made to sit on her hands it turned out the girl was a genius,parents told she would never go on to uni so at age of 12 her parents home schooled her and she got 13 O'levels.these are public exam,s taken at 16 it been very rare to have taken that many for any body you were quite clever if got 5 when leaving school
I born in 50's..only two tv channels,parks to play in boys making go carts girls being told they had to do cookery and needlework boys carpentry and technol drawings..smallpox vaccinations and outbreaks of smallpox occasional diphtheria(do people still get it) every winter most of class would some point home with measles or mumps.The world mostly America letting off h bombs which pissed my mother big time...ban the bomb marching...young girls not taught sex education and dreadful consequences..not having a fridge and freezers came much later...had ball points but forced use fountain pens I was ink monitor so had fill ink pots up everyday.Had use my brain to do tables and fractions..no such thing as dyslexia(many of us suffered for it)ADH did not exist we accepted some kids more rambunctious treated as individual not having some syndrome if not like other kids..coca cola tasted better fish and chips wrapped in newspaper..hospitals understood concept of hygiene they don't now....£10 go to Australia by sea..king kong was x rated and scared cr8p out of us,kissing in back seat of cinema,bacon rind still on bacon and that smoky smell of cheese and bacon when went to Sainsbury,good manners or clip round ear,stocking with seams I hated suspenders petticoats blue or green gym knickers awful thing liberty bodice and vests terry nappies and big pin.yuri garen first man in space not uncommon hear big booms of military planes breaking sound barrier....elvis and beatles when I was about 13 rock and roll which mother thought dance from the devil...so many things sitting here all nostalgic..i remember a deaf girl who went to my school her life was hell she was taken out sent to school special needs school and treated by education authority using words of the time retarded she was made to sit on her hands it turned out the girl was a genius,parents told she would never go on to uni so at age of 12 her parents home schooled her and she got 13 O'levels.these are public exam,s taken at 16 it been very rare to have taken that many for any body you were quite clever if got 5 when leaving school

:lol:...King Kong was X-rated....LOL...guessing you got it mixed up with the KIng's Dong....:giggle:
yep it was,i got flung out of cinema and my dad got ticking off for trying get under age 14yr old in to see it...14yr olds now probably go see 50 shades grey, die hard,rambo etc.... mates and me use sneak in then torch shone in face see if you under age and got flung out

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