13 Dog Facts You Didn't Know..or Knew...


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Ever wonder what goes through your dog's mind? Find out why your dog acts the way he does. We asked animal behaviorists, nutritionists, veterinarians, and pet groomers to shed some light on what your furry friends do what they do.

The part of a dog's brain that perceives smell is 40 times bigger than humans.

Humans have only about 5 million receptors in their noses while dogs like the Dachshund have 125 million. This allows dogs to have about 1000 times better sense of smell than humans. That's why dogs are used to sniff out narcotics, explosives, buried dead bodies, bed bugs and more

Every dog's nose is different

Just like how humans have unique fingerprints, dogs have "noseprints". Each dog's nose have a unique set of ridges, patterns and creases.

Dogs dream too!

If you've ever seen your dog twitch or jerk in her sleep, she's most likely dreaming. Studies show that dog's brain activity during sleep are similar to people. Also, smaller dog breeds tend to dream more than bigger dogs. According to Psychology Today, dog's dream usually consist of outdoor or physical activities like running.

Dogs have an intellect of a 2 year old baby.

Author and dog researcher Stanley Coren suggests that your puppy and a human baby are on equal grounds in terms of intellect. He also explains that dogs are able to count, comprehend over 150 words and even able to deceive humans or other canines to attain food or treats. While how smart your dog is depends on it's breed, Border Collies have been ranked the smartest

Dogs mate 2 times a year only.

Dog breeders know that unspayed female dogs are ready to mate twice a year and use that to schedule mating.

Different tail wags mean different things.

Not every tail wag is a sign that your dog is excited or happy. Discovery.com suggests that the direction of the tail wag will mean different things. A wag to the right suggests they are happy, to the left they are scared, if it's wagging low they are insecure. If the tail wags are very fast and your dog shows tense posture along with their eyes dilated, it is a sign of agressive behavior.

All newborn pups are unable to see and hear at birth.

Puppies only open their eyes and are able to acknowledge sounds and noise after 2 weeks. Dog newborns are still in development stages and have their eyes and ear channels closed at birth.

Dogs have an unexplained intuition.

In a recent poll, 65% of pet owners have reported strange behaviors from their pets right before a storm. 44% of pet owners agreed that their pets showed abnormal behaviors right before something bad happens. Signs include abnormal behavior, whining and hiding. Some even believe dogs can sense if you are ill or have diseases such as cancer.

Dogs only sweat from their paws.

Dogs stick out their tongue and pant to cool down primarily aside from their paws.

Does your dog feet smell of corn?

Known as "Frito Feet", dogs may exude smell of corn or popcorn. This happens when bacteria and/or sweat accumulates in their paws.

Bad breath is actually unhealthy for your dog.

Dogs that have bad breath can actually have dental or other health related issues. Don't ignore your dog's bad breath and remember to have your dog's teeth checked at least once a year by a veterinarian.

It's not unusual for dogs to eat their own waste.

According to ASPCA, it is in fact normal for dogs to eat their own fecal matter. It is more prevalent in pups while older dogs may stop doing it as they grow out of it. This behavior comes from their pre-domesticated era, 1000s of years ago.

Dogs have a unique smell and it comes from their bottoms.

If you've seen dogs smell each others backsides, this is why. Dogs have a gland located in their backsides which excretes this unique smell.


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