

Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2014
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Hi, I was around a year ago and for various reasons left. I am deaf...a mother of 6, although my oldest daughter passed (SIDS). While I do know some sign, it is not very strong and I am still learning...
I am a minion at a plant nursery and enjoy the work.
I am no longer married, and my children currently live with their father...Hoping that will change soon.
I am extremely curious about all thing in life. Sometimes may come off as argumentive, but promise I am not. :) I enjoy reading anything I can get a hold of...
I never know what to say in these so if you want to know, sorry you have to ask :D
Have a good day.

I don't think you're this kind of minion . :giggle:

I am so sorry to hear about the lost of your baby . :(

I don't think you're this kind of minion . :giggle:

I am so sorry to hear about the lost of your baby . :(

Lol I don't thing I am yellow... But they keep giving me memes and stuff from them :D ending up with bit of a collection :)
Lol I don't thing I am yellow... But they keep giving me memes and stuff from them :D ending up with bit of a collection :)

Hold on to them who know they could worth a lot $$$ one day . I wish I still had some of my childhood toys.
Hold on to them who know they could worth a lot $$$ one day . I wish I still had some of my childhood toys.

Lol truth :D
But no, soon as I fill a box I take it to the hospital, salvation army and the like :) I must admit a fondness for the crazy haired purple one though :)