1001 Reason Why sign language are dangerous


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Feb 11, 2007
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My wife have told me about the book "1001 reason why sign language are dangerous". She said it is extrememly harilous. It had many pictures of injuries and accidents ect. She don't know the author of the book and she was in NTID back then. Her friend showed her the book. I tried to find website to buy that book. None avail!? Does anyone know about it? Please let me know where I can find it.

maybe we should find a "1001 Reason why VOICING are dangerous"
Yeah! I broke my own glasses by my flying fingers flipped it up off my face and it fell down on the cement. :pissed:

Long fingernails might be dangerous...not sign too closer to next person or your eyes! :D

Freak addicent always be there.
ah yes i know what you are talking about. im not sure where but ill search for it and see what i can do.

are u sure its 1001 reasons..not 101 reasons?
the dangerous about sign language that I have to watch out where I point with my finger. (point at someone's inner nose) whoops! that's gross!
I searched through google and sorry to say looks like its not on there at all. Maybe out of print? Or limited print or it may have been a self published book and its not online at all. Sorry about that! I am sure it is a riot in the book! Got to be funny! Well, I will pray you will be able to find one!
I thought it was about sign languages compared to ASL vs Gangs members hand signs vs ordinary signs vs sports signs languages? I do know we have to be careful around gang members. Some of them could be similar to our ASL
I thought it was about sign languages compared to ASL vs Gangs members hand signs vs ordinary signs vs sports signs languages? I do know we have to be careful around gang members. Some of them could be similar to our ASL

I heard about that. It happened one time in Chicago. It was on the news. I gasped! A deaf man who signed ILY to his girlfriend was killed by a gang memeber because of that "symbol" according to the police. Police there warned deaf people NOT to sign at all! That is real dumb! We need signs to communicate!

You know that the ILY sign and the devil sign concept are too similiar. The ILY sign concept has thumb, first and index fingers while the devil sign concept has only first and index fingers without the thumb. It was invented by a rock musician who used it. In his interview that my brother heard on the radio why he used that symbol. He said his grandmother wanted to punish him or to make a point, she scolted with both first and index finger unintentionally. She could not close up her index finger! So, the rock star got that idea and used in concert as a pointer to others.. Then people used it as, "you devil!"

Even when I sign ILY to hearing people, they sign the devil concept and I said no...use the finger!!! They said to me, no, that is not what I meant, I meant to say you devil! People are still uneducated with this! I tried to explain to people on this regard.

I remembered in San Miguel, El Salvador back in 1997, I signed ILY to the deaf as they were leaving church. They all gasped! One told our missionary partner and then he told my pastor then he told me what was going on. Our missionary partner/friend told us he forgot to warn us not to sign ILY since the deaf there abanoned the ILY because of a deaf gang in San Salvador used the devil symbol, the very same I am talking about eariler. It looked too similar.

Should we change ILY sign concept? Maybe because hearing people twist our language. Like the L on forehead for loser. That is another danger. It is actually an insult sign concept I believe it was invented by hearing people.

All three sign concepts: ILY, devil (not the one ASL uses that you put your thumb on your temple of your forehead and use first two fingers and bend it. I am talking about first and index finger.) The same you also use for "B.S." In hearing world, it really means "you devil." And the L as in Loser.

Hey, even I know some "D"eaf use the sign concept for "hearing" on the forehead instead of mouth. Now, you know how you feel when hearing signs L as in Loser. Judge not lest ye be judged (Matthew 7:1). Careful how you sign or judge someone!!!! Hey, even the middle finger!!! Or the sign concept for T in our ASL. It is an insult to non-Americans! Our T means the same as middle finger!!! To be honest, I am not signing our T anymore. I am using Central American concept for T although the universal sign concept is like an L sideways. The middle finger pointing up in Japan means brother. Third finger means sister.

Quite interesting huh?
I searched through google and sorry to say looks like its not on there at all. Maybe out of print? Or limited print or it may have been a self published book and its not online at all. Sorry about that! I am sure it is a riot in the book! Got to be funny! Well, I will pray you will be able to find one!

You're probably right that it may be out of print. Anyone who own a book would be one of darn luckiest person in the world. Wondering if anyone currently at Gally or NTID can check this out in the library. We'd would like to know the author of book and name of it INCLUDING publisher. It'll be great.
I heard about that. It happened one time in Chicago. It was on the news. I gasped! A deaf man who signed ILY to his girlfriend was killed by a gang memeber because of that "symbol" according to the police. Police there warned deaf people NOT to sign at all! That is real dumb! We need signs to communicate!

You know that the ILY sign and the devil sign concept are too similiar. The ILY sign concept has thumb, first and index fingers while the devil sign concept has only first and index fingers without the thumb. It was invented by a rock musician who used it. In his interview that my brother heard on the radio why he used that symbol. He said his grandmother wanted to punish him or to make a point, she scolted with both first and index finger unintentionally. She could not close up her index finger! So, the rock star got that idea and used in concert as a pointer to others.. Then people used it as, "you devil!"

Even when I sign ILY to hearing people, they sign the devil concept and I said no...use the finger!!! They said to me, no, that is not what I meant, I meant to say you devil! People are still uneducated with this! I tried to explain to people on this regard.

I remembered in San Miguel, El Salvador back in 1997, I signed ILY to the deaf as they were leaving church. They all gasped! One told our missionary partner and then he told my pastor then he told me what was going on. Our missionary partner/friend told us he forgot to warn us not to sign ILY since the deaf there abanoned the ILY because of a deaf gang in San Salvador used the devil symbol, the very same I am talking about eariler. It looked too similar.

Should we change ILY sign concept? Maybe because hearing people twist our language. Like the L on forehead for loser. That is another danger. It is actually an insult sign concept I believe it was invented by hearing people.

All three sign concepts: ILY, devil (not the one ASL uses that you put your thumb on your temple of your forehead and use first two fingers and bend it. I am talking about first and index finger.) The same you also use for "B.S." In hearing world, it really means "you devil." And the L as in Loser.

Hey, even I know some "D"eaf use the sign concept for "hearing" on the forehead instead of mouth. Now, you know how you feel when hearing signs L as in Loser. Judge not lest ye be judged (Matthew 7:1). Careful how you sign or judge someone!!!! Hey, even the middle finger!!! Or the sign concept for T in our ASL. It is an insult to non-Americans! Our T means the same as middle finger!!! To be honest, I am not signing our T anymore. I am using Central American concept for T although the universal sign concept is like an L sideways. The middle finger pointing up in Japan means brother. Third finger means sister.

Quite interesting huh?

I've heard that years ago. Gangster think they owns signlanguage. They don't realized that Signlanguage been around for hundred of years. Some people who never met deaf think that it's some kind of religious symbol or some scary stuff they think. I know BSL and was taught by roomate from Ireland. Many Irish deaf in Ireland mentioned that ASL is better than BSL cuz it's clear to understand. Also met a deaf man who travelled around the world and collected many signlanguage books of different languages. He said that Japan think ASL is a dirty signlanguage.

I personally think SEE is a dirty signlanuge like signing "lollipop" in SEE ("K" sign but licking in middle of "K") out in real world gosh!! It's printed in SEE book! Sheesh. ASL is better.