1,776-foot skyscraper at the World Trade Center site on July 4


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May 20, 2003
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New York City, On July 4, as we commemorate the founding of our nation, we lay the foundation for our resurgence," Pataki said. "On July 4, as fireworks burst in the sky, ephemeral reminders of our liberty, we will begin to reclaim our skyline with a permanent symbol of our freedom."

The July 4 date is well ahead of Pataki's stated goal of breaking ground by late summer.

"America and the world will witness as our plans go from paper to steel," he said.

Freedom Tower is expected to be finished in 2009, and the full trade center site by 2013.

Organizers say the tower will be the world's tallest building, with its height including a spire meant to evoke images of the Statue of Liberty. It will be built on the northwest part of the trade center site, not the footprints of the vanished twin towers.

The plan calls for a cable suspension structure that creates an open area above the building's 70 floors of office space, and houses windmills to generate energy.

Pataki announced several other dates in the redevelopment timetable, including that a complete design of the Sept. 11 victims memorial, "Reflecting Absence," would be finished by the end of the year and construction starting in 2006.

Private donors will need to raise money to build the memorial, which is budgeted for at least $350 million.


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:crazy: to have another tall bulidings.. i prefer a regular bulids.. seesh tall bulid probally bin Laden is excited to hit that tower again.. seesh
DeafSCUBA98 said:
:crazy: to have another tall bulidings.. i prefer a regular bulids.. seesh tall bulid probally bin Laden is excited to hit that tower again.. seesh
Yeah DeafScuba.. I believe so.. I bet!
DeafSCUBA98 said:
:crazy: to have another tall bulidings.. i prefer a regular bulids.. seesh tall bulid probally bin Laden is excited to hit that tower again.. seesh
If we don't build it, we're being chicken! :)
looks pretty futurtistic and artistic

but it should be a good thing that it's not gonna be taller than the orignal WTC. (or so it seems)
DeafSCUBA98 said:
:crazy: to have another tall bulidings.. i prefer a regular bulids.. seesh tall bulid probally bin Laden is excited to hit that tower again.. seesh
he proably will be dead after we are done completing this building ;)
Bin Laden and other bad guys should sit on top of Freedom Tower and sit hard to blow up their a** so they know we meant bizness! :fu: :greddy: :nana: :giggle: otherwisse he and other bad guys should wear a shirt that say :stupid:
I understand that USA's doing this in their best intentions of paying respect to those who perished in the WTC 9/11 attacks, but I feel it's a bit tacky and there's no real need for another tall skyscraper. :roll:
Steel said:
looks pretty futurtistic and artistic

but it should be a good thing that it's not gonna be taller than the orignal WTC. (or so it seems)
it is definally going to be taller than the orginal WTC. cuz it says here " will become the world tallest building" its even taller than Sears Tower
Yep thats what we need more targets, can we get them to paint bullseyes on the towers sides?

Edit, i could be really evil, apparently pinkster forgot to logout on my computer *evil grin* Pinky, remember to sign me back in so i dont make evil posts.