sign language

  1. R

    Questionnaire for d/D/HOH Asian and Pacific Islanders for Research Paper!

    Hello! I am a research student located in North Carolina, USA, and I am writing a research paper on the use of sign language in Asia and the Pacific Islands. I am collecting survey responses for my research through a Google Forms link. If you are over the age of 18, use sign language, and are an...
  2. hrecords23

    looking for deaf events or meet ups

    Looking to find more deaf people in my area that i moved to few months ago. I dont know anyone around me that is deaf. I use ci to help hear and mainly am around hearing people 24/7 but im looking to find more deaf friends possibly to continue my sign lanaguage. I miss being in my deaf community...
  3. L

    Sign Language & the Effect of Hand/Wrist Injuries or Impairments on Communication

    I am a college student looking at the effects of everyday sign language users and hand/wrist impairments/injuries and it's impacts on communication. Hoping to increase healthcare literacy (for healthcare professionals), cultural competence, and communication and capture the experience of those...
  4. K

    A short survey for a text/audio to Sign language translator using a 3D Avatar

    Hey guys!!! Hope everyone is doing well :) My name is Kavishka, and I am a final-year undergraduate student studying computer science. As part of my thesis project, I am conducting research on translating English text/audio to Sri Lankan Sign Language, and I need your help! If you are a fluent...
  5. itsmezali

    Surprise Signing

    So I work in retail and ever since I’ve been learning BSL (from my Deaf coworker) I’ve gotten to know her friends and people in the area who are D/deaf or HoH. I have also signed to two other D/deaf customers in the store who my coworker doesn’t know and they were both really shocked that I was...
  6. ShadowHistorian


    Hi to any of you who decided to look at this thread!! My name is Rose and I am 15 years old, as well as hearing. I know there are probably tons of requests, but I'd appreciate it if someone had the time to practice with me. I've always had a fascination with the language, and I think this is one...
  7. M

    New wordpress plugin for sign language is out!

    Hello Sign Language users everywhere! Finally, after years of development, we just put a new WordPress plugin on the marketplace which makes Sign Language in web forms possible. Wicked. Here it is: It's kinda new, unique and a big change. Uses...
  8. J

    Could an app that translates sign language to text be useful?

    Hello Everyone! My name is Jay, I am currently completing a 4 year Bsc Computer Science degree. I am making my Final Year Project where I am planning to make a Sign language translation application which translates sign language into typed text. I want to develop an application that will...
  9. J

    Sign language learning app for children

    This is for research purpose. I am looking for popular sign language learning mobile applications from different parts of the world. Kindly post apps you have used/found useful...
  10. Skyeriley

    Beginner asl

    I'm a SFX student (18) with a large interest in ASL and deaf culture. I dont know any deaf people personally but i would love the help in learning, is there anybody around 17-19 that would want to sign with me? i dont know much, mostly just "useful" or "basic" words from the apps i got. total...
  11. Buddythebirdy

    Signing buddy?

    It's a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone here and under 18 would like to be my signing buddy? I've been trying to learn for a while but I have no one to sign with so I forget so much! If so please let me know.
  12. Yellocool

    Use of the "past" sign?

    I'm trying to learn ASL/PSE by PSE signing songs, a lot like the videos you find online, but in my attempts to translate songs I found a statement "I swore I had a heart" which had two past tense statements in one sentence, and "There was a part of me I shared" I don't know how to express "was".
  13. D

    Isl buddy videochatting

    Hey there my name is Daniel, currently live in Dublin, Ireland, I'm hearing, recently started learning ISL and would really like someone to videochat with me in whatever platform to try and practice more, I'm very much in love with Deaf Culture and Sign Languages ever since Switched at Birth...
  14. Anar

    Turkish Sign Language Tutor App

    Hello everyone, I would like to tell you about the project I am working on now, and to learn your opinion. Well, let's start with my story first. I currently live in Northern Cyprus where people speak in Turkish. In one year I managed to learn Turkish to a certain extent and to talk to people...
  15. Ken Thomas

    Please Help Us Help Mi Asl Interpreters And Deaf Community

    Good afternoon. My name is Ken Thomas. I am writing you today to ask for advice, help, and support on behalf of the Deaf and Sign Language Community in Michigan. New legislature has affected around 1.2 million in the state. Many Interpreters who have been doing so for decades can no longer do...
  16. M

    Do You Know Any Wordpress Sites For Deaf And/or Sign Language Users?

    Hello folks I'm Michael, a Deaf programmer and am looking for WordPress sites driven for Deaf people and/or for Sign Language Users. Or even WordPress sites run by Deaf people themselves. Why? I've been working for a long time on a cool project that allows Sign Language based contact forms in...
  17. mdeitsch5

    New To This Community

    Hello. My name is McKenzie. Technically yes I am "hearing". I use quotes because I'm pretty much hard of hearing in my left hear only. Which initially means I can hear just fine unless you speak softly while standing on my left side. I have been learning sign language purely because I want to...
  18. ykj19940711

    Denmark Deaf And Hoh Education

    Hello! I am from Hong Kong. I was invited to Denmark Pre-camp training so I want to know deaf and hoh education's situation. I finished Denmark camp's interview last week. In this interview, two madams said that Denmark education is adopting oral methods to teach their students, and the women...
  19. D

    Signing Easter Bunny In Baltimore, Md

    Admission includes: Signing Easter Bunny Pancake supper Easter egg hunt Crafts All ages & signing abilities welcome! Admission: $6 per person Children under 12 will receive a FREE picture with the Easter Bunny. Additional pictures $3 each. Sunday, March 20 4:30-7pm *Easter egg hunt begins...
  20. fionaahamilton

    Can Somebody Please Give Me A Name Sign?

    Hello, my name is Fiona! I am hearing and I know I'm probably not supposed to be in here, but I'm very interested in the deaf community! I do know sign language, but I need a name sign. The rule is a deaf individual has to grant you a name sign so I was hoping somebody on this site could give me...