Search results

  1. Anchor Tattoo

    Anchor Tattoo

  2. Thedeafzombie

    Recently Diagnosed Hoh

    welcome! A year ago I woke up with Sudden Bilateral Profound Sensorineural deafness. I definitely understand the feeling afraid and nervous. Just keep taking it one day at a time, and learn to laugh at the craziness of life sometimes. :)
  3. Thedeafzombie

    Do You Hear When You Read?

    It might be a good idea to add one more. I recently went deaf as an adult and don't apply to any of them...
  4. Thedeafzombie

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Hey! I am pretty new to things here, but I love the idea of this. I grew up hearing, and had a very normal life. Then one day I woke up with no hearing at all. After a lot of doctor's visits, they told me that I was profoundly deaf and I would never hear again. I had taught myself to lip read...
  5. Thedeafzombie

    Hearing Dogs

    ....yeah I think that is the same one. This is the website I m trying to get ahold of them. I am profoundly deaf, and in the process of getting a TTY or UniPhone so that I can call them. But every time my parents try to...
  6. Thedeafzombie

    Hearing Dogs

    Thank you! Since I live in Alberta, I have been looking at the PADS program. They help out with service and hearing dogs for people who live in Alberta, BC, and Saskatchewan. Any information would be GREATLY Appreciated!!
  7. Thedeafzombie

    Hearing Dogs

    Hey! So I have been deaf for just over a year now, and have been thinking about getting a hearing dog. I live in Alberta, and found a really great program. Does anyone on here have a hearing dog that can give me advice and pointers on what they think I should do?
  8. Thedeafzombie

    Where are you from?

    Lacombe, Alberta, Canada!
  9. Thedeafzombie

    Hello! 23 And Profoundly Deaf!

    Thank you :D
  10. Thedeafzombie

    What Does Your User/screen Name Mean?

    Well... I picked my name because I am deaf, and the last part I picked because I both LOVE zombies, and my friends say I'm dead inside cause I don't really cry in movies.. so the deaf zombie.... She will Never Hear you SCREAM!! haha
  11. Thedeafzombie

    Hello! 23 And Profoundly Deaf!

    Thanks!! :)
  12. Thedeafzombie

    Hello! 23 And Profoundly Deaf!

    Thank you!!
  13. Thedeafzombie

    Hello! 23 And Profoundly Deaf!

    Thank you!! :)
  14. Thedeafzombie

    Hello! 23 And Profoundly Deaf!

    Hello! My name is Stephanie. A year ago, I woke up one day and could not hear anything. After freaking out a bit at some doctors, they finally sent me for a hearing test and realized it wasn't water in my ears, but that I was Profoundly deaf. I prefer American Sign Language, because reading lips...