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  1. B

    A small Induction Loop System.

    I thought this forum forwarded information on replies to posts but I've received none. The simple answer to, "What is an Induction Loop system" is as follows. It is a loop of wire pinned to the wall of a room and connected to a device that transfers voice discussion from a TV to a hearing aid...
  2. B

    A small Induction Loop System.

    I participate in meetings of about twelve people sat round one table and I'm looking for an effective Induction Loop System recommendation.
  3. B

    Inferior hearing test equipment?

    I would very much like to know more about "Streaming" and where it fits into Hearing aid technology.
  4. B

    Inferior hearing test equipment?

    I just had a discussion with my eldest son who made it very clear that having a conversation with me is very difficult and he asked me, "Is there not a more effective hearing aid than the one I currently use?" My current hearing aid is a digital one. I told him, "When I'm watching TV without...
  5. B

    Inferior hearing test equipment?

    When I had my original hearing assessment I finished up with a printout showing the level of hearing loss in a number of frequencies from which the Audiologist was able to determine that my deafness was indicative a a Tank Crewman which I was. In fact I was a gunner which meant in those days I...
  6. B

    Inferior hearing test equipment?

    Surely the current method can not be as accurate? That's a simple question how about attempting to answer it?
  7. B

    Inferior hearing test equipment?

    When I had my first hearing test many years ago I was placed in a sound proof room with a set of earphones and sounds were played through them upon which I pressed a button. From tis a graph was constructed showing the problems in the various frequency levels. Now I sit in the same room next to...