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  1. P

    My new couch and loveseat!!!

    very nice
  2. P

    Do you have Mozilla Firefox ?

    no firewall I dont like IE when it open too slow and still have a pls when I click on all deaf forum to open too slow.. I love firefox to open fast but I am very diappointed about not working to open firefox... Firefox is the best than IE
  3. P

    Do you have Mozilla Firefox ?

    Yes I did today
  4. P

    Do you have Mozilla Firefox ?

    Yes I did rebooted several times but nothing working to open firefox :confused: sighs !
  5. P

    Do you have Mozilla Firefox ?

    Yes I did reinstalled then installed firefox a few mintues ago but nothing work at all.. .... IE is suck and i tried to clcik CNN and other but wont open in IE.........:mad:
  6. P

    Do you have Mozilla Firefox ?

    I dont like IE because it is very slow to open ... I love Mozilla Firefox but nothing not working ...
  7. P

    Do you have Mozilla Firefox ?

    I wondering do you have a problem with Mozilla Firefox recently ? I do have a problem with Mozilla Firfox that wont working to open yesterday and I tried to open today but nothing all... Anyone have a plms with this recently ?
  8. P

    High School Mascots?

    Wildcats (Blue and Orange)
  9. P

    Laundry: Powder Vs. Liquid?

    liquid with Tide (Febreze)
  10. P

    We've got 3 more moderators coming here...

    Tousi, Banjo and Brian ????
  11. P

    Iraq: Stay or Leave?

    Enough is enough... My brother is a MARINE...... He just deployed back to IRAQ THREE TIMES...
  12. P

    2nd Another joke.. **VLOG**

    I like good joke. LOL
  13. P

    Do you want hear my joke?

    LOL good Joke
  14. P

    Birthday Months

    December - Sagittaruis
  15. P

    I have a question to ask you

    I mean list for STATES.
  16. P

    I have a question to ask you

    I would like to asking you a question about Deaf Lawyers LIST FOR DEAF LAWYERS BY STATES
  17. P

    DeafChat Discussion

    I quit in Dc four yrs ago......
  18. P

    Anyone here a Survivor fan???

    I am
  19. P

    Time to clean out the problems Blog » Time to Clean Out the Problems! I have plms with [Video] let me know if you can click the link ?
  20. P

    Time to clean out the problems
