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  1. D

    Left, right, or both?

    I have a left ear whose graph is fairly flat at 70-80db. Then I have my right ear with the following details: 500 hz 1 Khz 2 Khz 4 Khz 8 Khz 5 dB 10 dB 10dB 75dB 50dB Until I was 20, I've only worn the left one then at 20, I started...
  2. D

    told I need hearing aids, can I ask a few questions?

    The graph for my right ear is a bit similar to yours, although hearing aid does help but since my left ear is severely deaf, I'm more focused with left ear. Since you are covered 100%, just go for it at full force, buy all the accessories, though I don't think you'll need the accessories at...
  3. D

    Looking for advice/feedback

    Weird, I have trialed BAHA and I didn't hear any differences. Everything sounded the same as if the BAHA wasn't even working. I have 70-80db losses on left side and high frequency loss starts from 10db at 3 Khz then it just free falls to 75db at 4 Khz on my right side, they said the reason it...
  4. D

    apple approved hearing aids?

    what are they? I saw on iphone setting something along this that line.