Search results

  1. Kari

    If Deaf never had sign language, would you hearing still want to know us??

    I understand the push back and the skepticism. Speaking as a minority elsewhere, I know that it is the overcoming of struggles that create the richness of the culture. That complex history makes it something worth fighting for, preserving and therefore, something worth taking an interest in...
  2. Kari

    Hi everyone.

    Hi Daisy! Welcome to AllDeaf!
  3. Kari

    Hi Elizabeth. I only know the BSL alphabet. But I'm hoping to move to the UK so BSL would be...

    Hi Elizabeth. I only know the BSL alphabet. But I'm hoping to move to the UK so BSL would be something great for me to work on. I don't know what level you are on but I'm always open to chat. Welcome to AllDeaf!
  4. Kari

    Hey! Sorry for the delay. I haven't been on the site in a while. How's everything going with you?

    Hey! Sorry for the delay. I haven't been on the site in a while. How's everything going with you?
  5. Kari

    Jackie chan singing and signing

    I thought this was so cool. Enjoy!
  6. Kari

    Miya's looking for consistent friends to practice asl :))

    Hi Miya! I don't know if you are only asking about Alldeaf from the perspective of someone who is deaf or hard of hearing but as someone who is hearing, I took an ASL class in college and really liked learning the language and culture. I've been trying to self-teach myself ever since. I came to...
  7. Kari

    Love and language campaign

    In case you are like me and hearing about this for the first time. Or you just like keeping up with Nyle Dimarco :)
  8. Kari


    Welcome to AllDeaf! :)
  9. Kari


    Thanks! I just learned the BSL alphabet. I couldn't resist. It's so different but it's cool. I think I'll start picking up BSL phrases here and there. I'll just have to practice both. :fingersx:
  10. Kari


    That's cool. I've been considering learning it too. I plan to move to London next year. But I'm worried that since I'm still learning ASL, learning BSL too will confuse me too much. I'm thinking that I should stick with ASL until I get more confident and then move to BSL.
  11. Kari

    Hi, New To This Site

    Welcome to AllDeaf!
  12. Kari

    What Are You Watching On Tv?

    Sleepy Hollow on Hulu
  13. Kari

    Where is everyone from?

  14. Kari

    Loosing Hearing

    Hi Christy. I can't speak to hearing loss but I do know that there are resources out there that can be helpful, online and in the community. A lot of the websites that I use have already been listed but I'm sure that there are more. Take advantage of them, AllDeaf being one of them. The more you...
  15. Kari


    Welcome to AllDeaf!!
  16. Kari

    Hearing Guy Looking For Friendship And Learning.

    Welcome! Good luck with your learning.
  17. Kari

    Hello Everybody

    Welcome! I'm always open to practicing ASL. Send me a message.
  18. Kari

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome to AllDeaf! :)
  19. Kari

    Hello From London

    Hi and Welcome! I'm always open to talking to people through Skype. You can never get enough practice, although I use ASL and I'm not too sure how different that is from BSL. Wouldn't want to add too much confusion to learning...Feel free to message me.
  20. Kari

    Hey Friends
