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    Laws about driving and deaf drivers

    Of cource! ^_^ Did no one else knows the titles of regulations of the country where the deaf are allowed to drive? : (((
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    Laws about driving and deaf drivers

    It is really... In Ukraine, the deaf alone is difficult to get a driver's license, but with a group of more or less can get. Thank you very much! I think that it's helps ^_^ ohmylight, thank you very much for links! DeafSA Comm. Officer, I know this article, but the UNCRDP - common for all...
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    Laws about driving and deaf drivers

    Thank you very much! But I need the name of the laws :) For example, our law is so called, if I properly translated: "On approval of the list of diseases and defects under which the person may be admitted to motor vehicles.
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    Laws about driving and deaf drivers

    Hello to all! In my country, there is a struggle for the right of Deaf drive cars Please share with me links to your laws, where it is written that the Deaf can drive a car. I would be very grateful to you for your help!