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  1. F

    Having probelms with math class and a hearing teacher

    im deaf and have a interpreter in every class at a community college i go to. only problem is math is too hard. the teacher is talking to the white board as hes trying to explane how to solve a problem while writing the steps on the board. i have to look at my interpreter to understand what hes...
  2. F

    Good community college for deaf in Seattle, WA?

    ok great thank you! ill look into it thanks for the reply
  3. F

    Good community college for deaf in Seattle, WA?

    hello ill be moving up to Washington State (dk where yet) sometime next year. i currently live in Arizona and i go to a community college that has over 50 deaf students, good interpreters and 1on1 tutoring. im looking for the same thing in WA. good interpreters, 1on1 tutoring*, and meet some...