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  1. highlands

    What are you doing right now? Part II

    Remembering old days
  2. highlands

    Phonak sky V70 sp hearing aids

    Thank you. I'll try that when I get to her office
  3. highlands

    Phonak sky V70 sp hearing aids

    If I use telecoil ear hooks then I hear from two ears
  4. highlands

    Phonak sky V70 sp hearing aids

    I am at home and tried to use duophone mode with my mobile phone but I failed. Neither a magnet nor the manual phone program worked. I just hear the weak phone signal in the ear I hold phone and not in the other ear. Am I missing something? The audiologist added a manual program but it does...
  5. highlands

    Phonak sky V70 sp hearing aids

    I still can't use duophone mode. Do you hear phone on both ears? Is that good enough in loudness?
  6. highlands

    Phonak sky V70 sp hearing aids

    Finally , I have a telecoil program. It works. As for my second issue, I've had my audi set soundrelax and noiseblock off . This solved the issue .
  7. highlands

    Phonak sky V70 sp hearing aids

    Do you just use a manual program or it's automatic when worn. Also, can you phones automatically in dual phone mode? I couldn't . The audiologist said I may need to use magnets .
  8. highlands

    Phonak sky V70 sp hearing aids

    Can you use tcoil ear cables with ease
  9. highlands

    Phonak sky V70 sp hearing aids

    any t coil program doesn't show up in the software
  10. highlands

    Phonak sky V70 sp hearing aids

    I have been wearing Phonak sky V70 sp hearing aids since saturday and I cannot use tcoil ear hooks . The audilogist cannot find a manual tcoil program. Any advice? My second issue, I cannot hear for an instant when I clap my hands, turn off the lights , use the stapler etc. Sounds don't sound...
  11. highlands

    How is your weather today part II

    Midnight here now and dry cold
  12. highlands

    Confused about a ci or keeping hearing aids?

    Thanks for replies. My aided speech discrimination with both ears at 70 decibels are 48 percent. My single aided tests were immeasurable . I'm much better with both ears I am thinking as soutthpaw in a way. I get benefit from the aids.
  13. highlands

    Confused about a ci or keeping hearing aids?

    I've been wearing bilateral hearing aids since ten years before I had wore one aid for 17 years. I've worn two phonak naida V sp hearing aids since 2011. My major problem is speech perception. Although the amplification seems okay my speech perception is not good enough. I got hearing tests...
  14. highlands

    I'm engaged and counting down days

    I am engaged to the love of my life on march 30,2013 in a family meeting.The wedding ceremony hopefully is on october 19. I am happy and counting down days.
  15. highlands

    One happy person with my adjustments today :)

    So I guess soundrecover is not for everyone. I and you made different choices after experiences. I currently use telecoil and love it for computer sound .
  16. highlands

    One happy person with my adjustments today :)

    Could be. Music program has soundrecover on by default. So I tried it. For me, soundflow and music programs are almost alike in the sense of human speech. I don't see any difference between soundflow and music programs while listening to speech in quiet environments. Of course, music listening...