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  1. K

    Opinion needed

    Hi Anij, It was a question for my homework in my deaf culture class. We are supposed to get the opinion of a pearson who is deaf. :-)
  2. K

    Opinion needed

    So do you think that it should be taught in the easiest to hardest? ASL as a child, then working on the lip reading, and finally onto the spoken speech? Should spoken speech be less of a requirement and more of a personal choice?
  3. K

    Opinion needed

    So obviously you're not for the teaching of verbal English...which I get. I can only imagine what it would be like trying to learn a verbal language when you can't hear. What do you think should be taught as it pertains to English and how should it be gone about?
  4. K

    Opinion needed

    Hi! :wave: My name is Kristin. I am hoh and currently enrolled in a deaf culture class. I am working towards my sign language cert and translating cert. My homework assignment is to ask a deaf person their thoughts on how English should be taught for deaf students, And do you think it should be...