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  1. S

    Thoughts On Mainstream Schools

    I know the Deaf school where I live does not focus on English. The main focus is ASL. Most need to take additional classes after high school in academic math and reading.
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    Deaf, hearing relationships

    You are right.....take deaf away, Deaf culture, and what's left is just him the individual person. He was player, and I didn't see it until now. I was sooo focused on the trying to work through the communication barrier, I thought his behavior was due to lack of trust of hearing people, not...
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    Common Experience?

    I agree. I think it takes both; deaf and hearing to be patient, and work together. I was willing to put in the effort to learn ASL to communicate with my guy friend who is deaf, but he wasn't willing. He already had a deaf girlfriend, and didn't tell me. He took advantage of me, and that...
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    Deaf, hearing relationships

    It is true that communication was difficult. Even with my guy friend. But, there were other things that I loved about him. I was facinated with how he saw the world. He took a lot of pictures, would communicate with pictures. I got to see the world through his eyes. He was funny, his jokes...
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    Deaf, hearing relationships

    You are right. Ricas27, it's not deaf or hearing. It's just him. He's not a nice person. I agree, trust is earned after knowing a person not because hearing or deaf. I agree, makes sense, common sense
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    Thoughts On Mainstream Schools

    I would agree. Go to school for the deaf. Make sure that you can learn fluency in English in addition to ASL .
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    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    I would like to practice. Message me
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    I'm The Deaf One. Feeling Like I'm Holding Him Back.

    The main thing is that you love and respect each other. I'm a hearing person and was frustrated many times when learning ASL, because I wanted to learn it faster so I could communicate better. Appreciate the little things about each other. The fact that you both are trying and putting in the...
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    Deaf, hearing relationships

    This will be my last post to this thread that I started. My guy friend and I are now truly done. I found out that he had a deaf girlfriend the whole time. I also know his deaf gf. He used me. He exploited my kindness, and took advantage of what he could get out of Me. It really hurt me...
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    Deaf, hearing relationships

    Well.....I think I now know the whole story about my guy friend. I think he did like me, maybe did love me to. I also think he was a workaholic, and would always go where his job sent him. So he tried to keep his distance, to try and not get close.
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    Deaf, hearing relationships

    I think the hearing person meant was accepting friendships. Maybe trusting that some hearing people want to learn about Deaf Culture, see Deaf as equal, don't want barriers, and willing to sign or even learn ASL to communicate. Sometimes I wonder myself if my guy friend didn't trust me either.
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    Deaf, hearing relationships

    I have a question....a hearing person told me that deaf don't trust hearing people, and they are closed. How long does it take for them to trust?
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    Speaking For Can I Make Her Stop?

    I think it depends on what is motivating your wife or g/f to speak for you. I was very much in love w/my guy friend, and I tuned into his behavior, and would speak for him. I thought I was helping him. It was automatic, and I would do it without thinking. As a hearing person, I loved him as a...
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    ASL, why keep embracing it

    I'm a hearing person that is losing my hearing. I think you are selling yourself short. Hearing people talk, and deaf people sign. ASL reaches the heart of a deaf person. Sure, there are other ways to communicate; text, email, but these require fluency in english. How do you express your...
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    Deaf, hearing relationships

    He wanted to know how I felt about him, so I told him. Then, when I asked him how he felt about me, he went silent, would not say anything I've read that deaf are normally direct. Not with my guy friend. He's never said he wanted to date a deaf girl or he doesn't want a relationship with me...
  16. S

    Deaf, hearing relationships

    The funny thing is....I don't like talking on the phone, and him being deaf didn't bother me. I didn't notice it. I mean, I still don't get it. He changed my life, I've grown so much from knowing him. I've learned so much. He's the only person that could make me laugh so much, and after...
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    Not completely deaf

    I'm losing hearing in my left ear, and I feel the same. I feel like I'm half hearing or half hard of hearing...I don't know what to call myself...
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    Deaf, hearing relationships

    Well, he finally told me. He's deaf and I am hearing person and the two don't go together. Both have different cultures. I think that's really flakey especially after knowing him for a long time. He should have said that from the beginning. Would've saved me heartache.
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    Deaf, hearing relationships

    I don't think it matters. He always rejects me when I get to close, and it hurts. I know I should distance myself from him, but it's been really difficult. I always go back. I feel really foolish.
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    Deaf, hearing relationships we go again. I tried again to distance myself from my guy friend, but I always end up in contact with him. It turned out he had gotten really ill, but wouldn't go to the doctor. I ended up calling the doctor for him, and he went. Then, after the ordeal was over, I offered to...